Someone like you

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"Yes she's a lovely woman but she sometimes she joins on the worst moments ever." You chuckle and places your bag on your desk. "Sure, make yourself comfortable." You smile softly and sits on the bed.

He stifies a laugh and sits on the edge of the bed before pulling his work out of his bag. "Do you have siblings?" He smiles and looks over his shoulder to you.

"No I don't." You take your shoes off and lays on your stomach with your head leaned in your hands, looking up at him. "Where can I help? Or what do you want to talk about?"

"Can you proofread my essay first? That way we can talk and edit at the same time." He pulls his one and a half page essay out of a folder and hands it to you. "It's supposed to be a first person fictional short story."

"Hm interesting." You smile as you start to read. "So David, tell me something about yourself.

I'd love to get to know you." You take your eyes of the paper to look up at him quickly with a soft smile before continuing reading.

He smiles and looks down into his bag before pulling out the apple he never bit into. "I have a brother, his name is Terry. I like music and I play the saxophone. What about you?"

"That's so cool! Well as I said
I don't have any siblings and
yeah..l dance, ballet." You smile
as you turn the page.

"Oh really, wow. Science fiction and ballet, I never would have guessed. How long have you been dancing for?" He smiles and pulls out his book to read.

"What am I saying, it's not really
ballet, it's more like modern dance. A bit confusing." You giggle. "I've been dancing since I was 10. Anyways, David this is really good!"
You nudge his shoulder. "You're a talented writer." You finish his essay and hands it back to him.

He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "No, l just like to think up stories. Is it alright though? Grammatically speaking." He smiles and turns to you slightly while eating his apple.

"lt's splendid, Everything is correct. You're definitely getting an A!" You smile softly as you look into the mirror at him.

He looks into the mirror and waves. "Thanks (Y/ N). I wanted to make sure before I turn it in tomorrow. Do you need help with anything?" He smiles before taking another bite of
the apple.

You chuckle and sighs. "No not really, I mean company is always welcome." You half smiles. "Are you going to the dance? Next friday?"

He looks down and shakes his head. "Nope, I don't really go to those things. I've gone once alone and once is enough." He looks over to you while playing with the apple core in his hands. "Are you?"

"Probably not, I don't have anyone to go with. Besides I always end up in a corner alone because my friends are
somewhere making out with someone." You sigh. "And I don't
like to be alone so I guess I'll stay home."

"We could hang out if you want. Those things are lame anyways, the only nice one is at the end of the year. I haven't been to that one either." He rests his chin on his fist as he sets his book and apple down.

"That would be nice, where would you like to go?" You smile of excitement and bites your lip as you lay on your back next to him.

He lays on his back and stretches his arms before play ing with his long hair. "What if we went to a bookstore first and
then to one of the clubs in the city? Or maybe catch a show?" He smiles and looks down to you. "What do you think?"

You blush slightly. was he really going to take you on a date? "The store and the club seems like a great idea. I'd love that." You smile and sits up to look down at him. "Would you maybe like to have dinner with us?" You admire his facial features and his hair, it looks so soft. With the urge of running your fingers through it you tap your fingerson your leg.

He nods and smiles. "I'd have to tell my mum. She doesn't care, just so long as I tell her where I am and that way she'll tell dad." He looks up to your face as your hair slides off your shoulders and down, almost like a curtain falls.

"You can call her with our phone, my mother always makes too much food and it's a waste if we throw it away." You tilt your head and stares into his eyes with a soft smile, his eyes are missmatched, you wonder why.

He clears his throat and props himself on his elbows. "I'd love to stay for dinner. I hope your mum won't mind."

"She won't." You chuckle softly. "How are you feeling? You look much brighter than I first saw you today."

"I'm feeling much better thank you for asking. I'm sorry I was so frigid earlier. was having a bad morning." He smilesand ruffles his long hair.

"That's okay, would you maybe like to tell me why? Maybe I can help you." You move a bit closer to him and looks up to him. "And I"löve your hair by the way, it really suits you! " you wink.

He smiles at your compliment and laughs lightly. "Not many others do. They all call me a pouf just because it touches my shoulders. I get picked on a lot and sometimes get into scrapes. This morning I was called a few things and got into a bit of a fight but they ran off once a teacher came along. They usually never come around when you need them." He sighs.

His words echo through you mind and make you shiver. How could they be so mean to him? You place your hand on his. ''Oh David, I'm sorry, I didn't knew. What kind of airheads are they? Who are they? Who do I need to kick?" You say in an attempt to make him laugh. "No but seriously, come to me. You can always talk to me okay?" You caress his hand and holds it. "Will you promise to come over when something is wrong? I can help."

He nods and looks down. "Yes (Y/N). It's alright really, I've been dealing with this for a while." He smiles weakly and looks at your hand in his. ''But thanks all the same."

''You shouldn't even have to deal with this at all, I'm sorry.'' You sit up and pulls him into a hug, laying your head on his shoulder. "You can trust me."

He slowly puts an arm across your back and pats your arm. "Thank you (Y/N). It's alright, don't be upset about it."

"I'm sorry, I'm too overprotective. I just want to make sure the people I care about are happy." You half smiles and leans out of the hug, still holding his hand.

He smiles softly and squeezes you hand slightly. "Thank you. That means a lot to hear from someone like you."

You feel yourself blush and gulps. What does he mean by that? "Someone like me? What do you mean by that?"

This one is a bit longer, we were bored and we just couldn't stop writing. Oops!
hope you enjoy it- R & C

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