Part 13 Challenge answered

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She's exceptionally beautiful when she flies into a rage. I admire her flushed face and revel in the feel of her arm pinioning me. My windpipe is going to be crushed any time soon but I don't really care. Most will start panicking now but not me. I'm already past the point of no return. I prefer her furious at me than ignoring me.

My smile shriveled when she drops her hand from me as if scalded, and retreated as far away in the alcove as she can. I instantly feel bereft of her presence. Like a starving man finally receiving sustenance, after her meagre touch, I'm craving it more and more. I want to devour. Every delectable inch of her.

It seems she senses my intention and she pulls on her ice queen façade once more. Standing her ground, she did not budge when I straighten leisurely and start walking towards her. She merely turns her head haughtily while looking at me contemptuously. "If you're here to explain what happened months ago, Karalene already did. I didn't forgive you then and neither will I now. Now, if you'll excuse me," she states disdainfully and turns to leave.

"No. you're not excused. That's only one of the things I want to ascertain. If you don't want me to continue harassing you, answer the rest of my questions," I demand in my imperious tone.

Deliberately adjusting the folds of her dress and acting as if I'm unworthy of her full attention, she declares, "Fine. You dragged me here for another reason. Spill it. Then don't bother me anymore".

"I want to find out if you're as affected by me as I am by you," I murmur in a low voice.

"You are nothing," she replies frostily, not even deigning to glance at me.

"If I'm nothing, then what I do next should leave you unaffected," I throw my gauntlet, challenging her.

Testing her limits, I move to stand close to her. To give her credit, she refuses to be intimidated. Looking down into that lovely condescending mask which was so recently spitting fire hot enough to burn, my heart constricts painfully. She's a mystery. She's blowing hot and cold simultaneously. Why can't she be consistent? Was that what's making her irresistible? Because I can't figure her out?

Pushing her boundaries to see if she'll crack, I lift my hand to cup the side of her face. The small contact sears me, urging me to touch more of her. When I look into her cold eyes and she doesn't flinch or betray any emotion, my frustration gushes to the fore. Am I the only one affected by our contact? Is she truly as unmoved as it seems?

Experimenting, I lean close to her lips, a hair's breadth away and breathe in her essence. It captivates me, making me a prisoner of her while she remains aloof and expressionless. Her fair face unflushed and her body stiff and unyielding, unlike the pliant one I held in my arms so many months ago. Wanting to rattle her composure, I rub my cheek against hers, deeply breathing her in while leaving my scent on hers. She continues to stand firmly, no signs of giving in while my lust is rising fast and threatens to make me lose control.

I'm supposed to be the expert at seduction. Why am I being seduced even when I'm seducing her? She remains entirely unmoved while I'm putting my moves on her.

My pride pricked, I chose a drastic measure. To my immense displeasure, she also didn't budge an inch, didn't evade when I swoop in for a kiss. Seducing her with my lips, I try coaxing her soft lips. Licking lightly at the seams of her lips, they remain closed to me. I am severely aroused by the close contact but she stoically stand stock-still without any emotions as if benignly tolerating my tender ministrations.

Instead of proving my point, my plan has backfired splendidly. It is a big blow to my ego. Has her attraction to me waned and snuffed out in these months? Exasperation mounts inexorably. Vexed, I released my hold on her and fling myself away from her.

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