Chapter 1

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 I think it cruel to wake a person earlier than 7 in the morning. That being said when my "Aunt" Emma throws open the curtains at an unholy 6:15 and assaults me with everything from muffins to bacon I have decided there had better be an amazing reason.

" Today's the big day!" she practically squeals.

"It better be, what's going on?"

Emma scoffs " You mean you're not the slightest bit excited about going off to Hogwarts?" 

I sit up, fast. " I thought that was next week!" She doesn't answer, she's to busy folding all my things into a big black trunk. I throw on some clothes and try to decide how many books would be absolutely  necessary. Suddenly my eyes find the mirror. I sigh, same freckles and brown hair in tight curls, at least I look nothing like her. I comb my hair the best I can and wash my face.

" Can I please please please bring biscuit?"

"That cat" Aunt Emma sighs "Can most definitely destroy somewhere besides here"


I jump up and grab biscuit, who has to be the cutest cat in the world. I'm still worried though, Will I make any friends? The name Cassiopeia Lestrange doesn't exactly sound like a nice not death-eatery person. When I meet people I'll just ask them to call me Cassie.  My "Uncle" Henry smiles at me as I bound down the stairs.

"Hey there beautiful, are you ready for the big day?"

"I sure hope so Uncle Henry"

He smiles, "Well here's a little something to keep you occupied".

My eyes grow huge as he presses not one but TWO galleons into my palm. I could buy the whole trolley with this. I give Uncle Henry a huge hug before bounding out the door. Aunt Emma has already called a cab and the driver looks a little surprised when I throw my trunk into the back. I hop onto the leathery seats and put biscuit on my lap. Aunt Emma is coming to see me off, she puts her arm around me as the cab drives toward the great unknown. The galleons jingle in my pocket and remind me of how much my family cares.

Yeah, this year could be all right

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