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My eyes shot open. I was covered in sweat and one glance at my shaking hands, I knew I had a nightmare. After I slowed my breathing down, I stood up and went to take a shower.

The spray of the water helped calm me down, but did little to erase the ball in my stomach that was telling me that something bad was going to happen today. I needed today to be perfect. It was mine and Warren' s last day together before I go home.

"Callie! Warren is here!" I heard Jenna yell at me from the door of our hotel room.


"Okay, Cal, let's take a break from this." Warren begged.

"This is your fault! Don't complain." I laughed.

"How is it my fault?"

"You are the one that wants to go to this party later and I need a dress!" Warren just sighed at my explanation and let me get back to work.

We were at a local mall and I was looking for a outfit for a party that Asher was throwing. We had been here for about an hour and I could tell that Warren was a lightweight when it came to shopping. Jenna and Adam were with us too, but Jen had dragged Adam to a different shop as soon as we got to the mall.

A dress for a party full of strangers, should not be hard to find right? But no. I knew that Gwen was most likely going to be at this party and other people that Warren grew up with. I wanted to look good and make Warren proud to call me his soul-mate. I knew he did not care what I was wearing and liked me anyway but still. It was also our last day together.

My eyes caught a flash of purple and grabbed it. I rushed to the changing room and slipped the dress over my body. It came to about half way between my knee and my thigh. Not short enough to make me look like a slut, but not long enough for me to look out of place at a high school party. It was purple at the top and faded to black at the bottom. It had a sweetheart neckline and was tight at the top and flowed out toward closer it got to my knees.

I stepped out of the changing room and waited for Warren's opinion on the dress. I knew though even if he did not like it I was going to get it still. I was in love and it was not with the boy but with the fabric hugging my body.


"Callie! Warren! People I don't know the names of! What's up?" A clearly drunk Seth said.William was next to him looking nowhere near as drunk as his boyfriend. I waved to William as he wrapped his arm around the waist of an almost falling over Seth.

"How did he get this drunk this fast?" Warren asked.

"My parents stopped by this afternoon and he immediately dragged us here and has been drinking Asher's beer for three hours. I finally got him to slow down now." William glanced at Seth worriedly.

"I'm actually gonna take him home. He needs to sleep it off." William dragged Seth out of the front door we had just came in from.

"He's going to be okay, Cal. Seth does this sort of thing every time William's parents try to convert him back to their way of thinking." Warren assured me after catching my eye.

"Hey! Callie! You're here!" Clara screamed excitedly. "Maybe now I can have fun." She glared pointedly at Asher.

Asher rolled his eyes, "Your parents already hate me. I'm not going to be letting you drink and give them another reason to make you not see me."

Jenna looked at me with wide eyes. I had told her everything about my meeting of Warren's friends, but she was a bit skeptic about all the drama with their relationships. I giggled slightly at Jen's reaction. Clara started to giggle with me and grabbed mine and Jenna's arms, leaving Adam with Warren. She pulled us into the kitchen where Mona was.

Mona passed Jen and I a drink which of course made Clara pout, "Hey, this is my best friend Jenna." I introduced.

"Hi, best friend Jenna. How are you liking California?" And this sparked a conversation that lasted until we all were comfortable with each other. Soon Jen, Mona, Clara, and I were dancing on the makeshift dance floor.

"Hey, beautiful. Are you having fun?" Warren asked as he slithered his arms around my waist and started to dance with me. I turned around in his arms and nodded my head. My arms went around his neck as the music slowed down and turned into a slow song.

"Are you having fun?" I asked Warren.

"Of course I am. You're here, my friends are here, the music is good, and so is the beer."

"Asher does know how to throw parties."

Warren agreed with me and yanked me closer to him as a couple drunkenly stumbled into us. I smiled at him and connected our lips. Without my consent my arms wrapped around his neck and my fingers knotted themselves in his hair.

Warren pulled away from my lips, "Want to get out of here?"


Warren' s arms were around me and I felt safe. Nothing could hurt me or tear us apart, not even being in different states. The world outside my little room in this hotel, didn't matter. Warren slightly tightened his arms and I couldn't help but think about how I would miss him when I left and what we were going to do on the future.

Sucking in as breath of air, I opened my mouth, "Warren, what are we going to do after I leave tomorrow?"

"Can we just not think of that and just think about now?"

"I'm just scared of what's going to happen."

"Don't worry. We'll figure it out." Warren' s lips landed on mine and I forgot all my worries about the future. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his slipped around my back.  

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