Jaydens Story

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I'm Jayden, I have a mind not like most 14 year olds a lot of people say.. my dad left me and my sister with my mom when I was 12.. My mom doesn't like me at all. She says I'm not allowed to be gay and she judges me for being me :/ But of course my sister has got the good attention and she's the one I'm always compared to ("why can't you be more like your sister!?") to be honest, I don't care I still walk around not giving a fuck. I'm very rebellious, I've broken into school.. I've gotten into plenty of fights.. I've stolen from stores.. Gone car hopping.. Yeah, um I have issues. But somehow I'm still here not in jail. Why do I do all of this? I don't know, I guess I lost myself after my dad left.. He meant the world to me.. and he held the family together. Now he's gone.

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