Just Some short poems/quotes

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Hey guys...... I had a bad day at school.....I hope you can forgive me for putting something sad....I'll try next time to be more happy....Talk to you later I guess.......


Doesn't Kill you


You wish

It did"

"I'm not living......

I'm surviving"

"The girl who seemed

unbreakable, broke.

She dropped a fake smile and

whispered to herself,

'I can't do this anymore'"

"People cry, not because

they're weak. It's

because the've been 

strong for too long."

       -Johnny Depp


was tired.

Physically and mentally.


wanted to close her

eyes and never

open them 


"It's a kind of 

TIRED that

sleep can't fix"

"I miss the person

I used to be"

"The worst kind of pain is

when you're smiling

just to stop the

tears from falling"

"Smiling has

always been easier 

than explaining

why you're sad"

"Behind my 

smile, there's 

a story you

would ever 


"You have no idea

How many times I've tried to tell you

the truth through my jokes"

"And so; Here I am.

Still alive...

Because I don't have the guts to kill myself"

"Why is everything I do.


"If this is

how my life

is going to be,

I don't want 

it anymore"

"My mind is killing me"

"Have you ever just

cried because

you are


"Because I know

what it feels like

to beg God to

'Please, just take 

it all away'"

" I hate who I am

I hate everything about me"

"My thoughts will



"Here I am again. Feeling

like I'm not wanted.

Feeling like I'm 

worthless. And even 

though I'm alive, feeling


"She's used to 

people giving up on her,

It's nothing new"

"That awkward

moment when you

think you're

important to 

someone, and 

you're not"

"I feel like



hates me"

" I'm not important. Everyone

will do just fine without me"

" I feel like I should 

apologize for


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