Chapter 2 - New Guest

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Chapter 2

2 days later, Sarah finally left the hospital and Liam insisted on her staying with him at his apartment. Sarah objected but Liam grabbed her hand and dragged her to his car. She sighed but decided to go along with it. After all, he was kinda cute...

''Sarah, I can't wait for you to meet my girlfriend, Sophia. She's so nice and she'll probably go shopping with you and buy you some more clothes. You know, cause you've-'' Liam was cut off. ''I know, I know. My clothes are dirty and horrible.'' She chuckled and stared into Liam's brown chocolate eyes. She tried to act happy but her heart was sinking inside. Liam had a girlfriend. She had no chance with him now.

When they got to Liam's apartment Sarah gasped in shock. Liam's apartent was MASSIVE! It was more like a mansion. She walked in and looked around. Where did he get all this money? 2 seconds later, Sarah heard a girly voice calling out for Liam. Sarah turned around only to be met by two pairs of brown eyes, that must be Sophia, Sarah thought as she looked at the girl, she was really beautiful, her hair were a light brown, and she was tall, almost Liam's height. Sophia hugged and gave a quick kiss to Liam before turning to face Sarah again

" Hello! " Sophia said hugging Sarah " I'm Sophia, Liam's girlfriend " Sophia said smiling warmly at Sarah, Sarah returned the smile.

" I'm Sarah, nice to meet you " Sarah said smiling, she may have lost all her money but she still knew how to talk like your normal rich girl.

" So, you must be tired now " Liam said breaking the awkward silence that had taken over the large living room " babe, can you please show her the guest room? and then maybe after she's done resting you can take her shopping " Liam said giving Sarah the same smile which made her heart flutter, but she knew that Liam had a girlfriend and that she didn't have to interfere.

" Sure " Sophia said grabbing Sarah's hand " Lets go " Sophia said now leading Sarah up the stairs into one of the rooms which, of course, was the guest room.

" Thank you " Sarah said smiling at Sophia as Sophia stared at her with confusion " Thank you for letting me stay " Sarah said as a bit of tears welled up in her eyes.

" Aw, it's fine, don't cry please, just take some rest OK? " Sophia said helping her lie down, and pulling the covers over Sarah, Sophia left quietly, and went downstairs.

" Thanks for doing that babe " Liam said as he gave Sophia a kiss on the cheek.

" No problemo " Sophia said smiling " But how did you find her? " Sophia questioned curiously.

After Liam told the whole story to Sophia, to say Sophia was shocked would be an understatement, she felt bad for what had happened to Sarah, she nodded finally understanding the whole situtation, but Sophia felt jealous of Sarah, cause even though Sarah was poor and her clothes were old, she was very pretty and that scared Sophia, but trying not to be the over-protective type, she let it go giving a kiss to Liam.

" You're really nice for helping her Liam " Sophia said giving Liam a small smile.

" Yeah, but I'm worried about her health, she hasn't really eaten much " Liam said sighing.

" Don't worry, we'll help her " Sophia said placing her hand on Liam's " Together "

" I hope so " Liam said.

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