Chapter 2

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     His Dream drifted back after the talk with Chisa and Tengan, once he was finished with his class, his mind was so confused with his decision of what he wanted. He was so busy sigh it that when he glance up he saw a familiar figure playing on her console. It was a surprise to see Nanami was waiting for him, she actually waited on me just so we can play some games together she was all smiles when she saw me. She seemed so full of life, like something awoken her and it made me happy to see her that way. She asked me about going to a Game Center to play a fighting game, which He was never good at but she wanted to make memories with me, that made a smile appear on his lips at her warm words, even without a second thought she grabbed his hand feeling her warmth and softness of her hand as he was pulled along to her plan to make memories starting now with each other. They decided to hang around the water fountain after school everyday to hang out, one day when they were were playing a game Hajime mind would wander back to that decision of the project, he was so far gone that he wasn't trying his best at the game that explosion was heard from his console signaling he was defeated.

"You beat me!" He brings both his hands down with the console in my lap as helean my head back. "They don't call you the super high school level gamer for nothing..."

"It's because you weren't focusing." Oh she catches fast, her head turns to me. "Did something happen?" Hajime look up at the sky with a heavy sigh, she soon went back to her game when I didn't respond to her question. The atmosphere was quiet between them besides the sound of the fountain drizzling down.

It took awhile before he finally spoke. "Hey Nanami? If you had no talent for games, what do you think you'd of done?"

"If I'd had no talent?" Nanami blankly said as if she never thought about it.

"Like, if you always lost, no matter how long you played. Or if they were too hard for you to figure out." He explained, of course not having a talent must be boring right?

"Hmm.." She thought about it for awhile and smiled. "I think that would of been fun in its own way. I love games, even if there were someone else with a talent for games that you could never beat. There's more to life than just talent"

"Huh?" He was genuinely confused and surprised by her statement. It be fun even if you didn't have a talent?

"That was something instructor Chisa told me, but...your life won't be interesting just because you have a talent. By getting involved with others and making memories,hope, which is more important than talent, is born." He was speechless as he sat his head up and turn to her with wide shock eyes, he glance down to the floor. Making memories? Hope is more important than talent huh. "I have fun playing with you...i think." Her cheeks grew a tint of pink as she said that, she seemed a little embarrassed to say that.

Hajime blinked his eyes. "Right..." He felt a warm feeling in my chest as I smile. " yeah, I feel the same way."

"Okay, let's keep going." Wow she was so embarrassed and now she straight out bluntly says about going at it again...wait this game again?

"Huh? this again? Let's play another game!" He suggested but immediately regretted saying that, Nanami expression turn serious and scary looking.

Her eyes narrowed at him for even suggesting another game. "No. Next, we're going to do co-op." She said it so forcefully and demanding that he couldn't help not to argue with her.

"O-okay." He reluctantly agrees, its better to agree because he had a bad feeling if he don't agree she would only intensifies that face. They continue on playing as he considered Nanami words, even without talent you can hope this may not be all that bad as he thought.

"Not bad..but you still wanted talent..." a dark emotionless voice creeped in, the memory began to blur into darkness with him alone in the dark.

"Yeah I did...I was naive and being idiotic, but without this I wouldn't have met her classmates and help the world." Hajime responded, he looked around already knowing where that voice belong too.

"Truly this wasn't the outcome I expected...hope did succeed, but I can see  another possibility..."

"A possibly?...what possibility"

...let's see how you do, I'm curious to see the outcome.

"What outcome!?"He shouted but the voice didn't respond anymore leaving Hajime all alone. "IZURU!!!" He called out his name, the image of a man with long wild black hair and red emotionless eyes like blood flash in his mind repeating the words.

"Let see how you do...I'm curious to see it..Will you follow it, Now wake up and face it."

Hajime jolt back up from his bed, his eyes wide as he look around his room, sunlight creep through the window signaling it was morning now. "Izuru..what the hell do you mean?" Hajime growled to himself, whatever Izuru was seeing he wasn't going to show him. They share minds but he knew Izuru wouldn't share what he seen as a possibility, heck Izuru wouldn't be dumb enough to let him die if he died, he died along with him so it must of been not that important for him to see. He needed to get out of here, Hajime got off the bed heading over to his dresser grabbing a fresh clean white button up shirt, green tie and black pants. He quickly changed into his shirt and pants, with his tie in hand he walked over to a mirror standing by the wall, he looked into the reflection that reflected back at him the man in front of him.

Dark brown spikey with a ahoge sticking right up bent on one side, slim fit body not to skinny not too fat, he was just ordinary looking but the unique thing about him as he tie his tie around his neck were his eyes. heterochromia eyes... His right eyes color is a olive green and the right was a bloody red, when he awoke from the Neo World program he inherited Izuru red eye but just one of them. He quickly got use to it knowing he had to live with Izuru within him and the eye, he was still him and everyone else seem to be fine with the small change. He let out a soft sigh as he put on a smile, well enough about that he needed to see how the others are doing. Once he was fine with how he looked, he walked over to his door wondering if everyone is already up probably. His hand on the handle, he pushed it down to let himself out before he realize it he bumped into someone on his way out.

"Hajime? Are you alright?" Said a soft breathy voice that had a hint of concern as he rubbed his chest, he knew that voice it was so familiar as he looked up to the skinny man standing in front of him with delicate pale complexion, soft white shoulder length messing hair that sticks outs in different directions and light murky green- gray eyes that gaze at him.


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