Chapter 1

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I woke up completely unprepared for my first day of school in this unfamiliar town with unfamiliar faces. See it was already halfway through the school year and i'm just starting at my new school in a tiny town in New York after our move. We've been here a total of 3 days and I already hate it.

"Honey it's time to get up and get ready for your first day" my mom called into my room.

I groaned and threw myself out of bed and towards my closet while trying to dodge all the unpacked boxes scattered in my room. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a random tee shirt that was laying out and paired them with some converse.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen sorting out boxes with dad and my older brother Chad while my younger brother and sister Brent and Bella where at the table eating a makeshift breakfast.

"Morning" I called out

"Morning" chorused everyone.

I walked over and grabbed a banana to eat while I waited until I went out to my bus stop.

"Morning honey. The bus comes at 8:30 so don't miss it" My dad said while he passed behind me with a box.

The main reason we moved is because of my dad's work. They needed more people at the new pace and he offered to go. So now here we are in some town in New York in the middle of the school year.

It was that time where I needed to leave or i'd miss the bus. I grabbed my stuff and got Brent and Bella out the door before their bus came.

"Have a good day Hope. Make some friends" mom called out as I was leaving

I chuckled at her remark as i've never been good at friend making and she knows it. I walked down the street towards my bus stop and saw a few kids standing there already. I hate bus rides. They always consist of loud kids, but none talking to you and sitting with a stranger.

You see I am old enough to drive myself seeing as i'm 17. The thing is i can't seeing as i haven't got the skill for it. My dad and i learned that the hard way.

As I made it to my stop I looked at the people standing there. One guy taller then me with broad shoulders, probably on the football team, stood there stone faced. Then a shorter girl about my height. She had long brown hair. She looked up and saw me looking at her and sent a smile my way as she took out her earphones. As we locked eyes, my green ones meeting her hazel ones, I smiled.

"Hey you must be the new kid. I'm Scarlet. Nice to meet you" she smiled brightly.

"Oh uh yeah I'm Hope" I managed to stumble out.

She smiled at me once again before turning her attention back to her phone. I looked at her for a bit longer before finally looking away. I checked the time on my phone and it read 8:28am, therefore my bus should be here soon. As if it somehow heard me, my bus turned the corner making it's way to me.   

The bus screeched to a stop in front of us. I stumbled onto the bus last and as I looked I saw rows of full seats. I made my way to the far back and as I got there i saw a seat that only one person was in. That person just so happened to be the girl from earlier, Scarlett.

"Can I- uh can I sit here?" I said awkwardly

She looked over and immediately said yes. I sat. Awkwardly. Very very awkwardly. 

Finally i reached for my headphones when she began to speak. 

"So what brings you to our little town in a state known for it's big apple?" she said in a joking manner 

"I'm wondering the same. I moved from a little town into another." i scoffed sarcastically

She laughed a little, but oh my god her laugh was so cute, like what?!

"You're funny. Well I hope i can give you a warm welcome to Cooperstown high school." she smiled brightly

I looked out of the window and saw that we were nearly to the school. At least this bus ride wasn't to bad at all.

Now the new adventure. High school.


Hey guys it's meeee. So this is my first story on this account!! Tell me what you guys think! 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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