Chapter 3

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Hey guys! This is Tori's best friend because Tori died. Yeah, yeah, it's sad but that's probably the only excuse you would accept after this freaking LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG silence! Can I just say that I'm am completely beyond sorry? I don't know how but writing this story just got away from me! Oh wait... I know why! Can you guys keep a secret? *Leans in veeeeeeeeeeery slowly* I'm writing... ANOTHER BOOK! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!!! It's going to be a much more depressing and realistic book and it's what I was planning on writing instead of this (thanks to insecretcode for convincing me to keep writing this story- This chapter's dedicated to you!). If you guys don't like the story though... TOUGH! I'm going to finish this story if it's the LAST THING I DO!!! Enjoy! I made this one extra long to make up for the radio silence! :)

P.S. If this sounds rambly, it's because I'm writing this in the middle of the night and I've had a total of five hours sleep for this whole day. 

P.P.S. I'm going to publish more often because school is now over! WOOT! AND guess what? I managed to pass!!! Okay, enough about me, ON WITH THE BLOODY STORY!!!


I dashed out the door so fast; I would have put an Olympic sprinter to shame. I smoothly pulled out my car keys and unlocked my beautiful Porsche. Sure, it wasn’t the showiest car, but it had been tricked out by some of the best mechanics at my company.

Speaking of my employers, I bet you have a lot of questions about my place of work. The first thing you have to know: we don’t work for the government. Sure, we occasionally have a few clients in congress but, ultimately, we’re a freelance organization.

The second thing is that we have personnel stationed all over the world in different non-descript locations. You can find them in supermarkets, dry cleaners, car dealerships, you name it. All the client has to do is say a predetermined phrase and they’ll be able to put their request through to the company.

If you have to ask what the phrase is, you don’t deserve to know it.

The third thing you need to know: you DON’T need to know anything else. In my business, curiosity kills. Not just the cat, but the dog, the monkey, the whole shebang.

Which isn’t exactly bad for business, mind you...

Anyways, during a school week, I get about only one assignment a week. And it’s a local assignment. YAWN. Even though I hate school and all that it stands for, I still want to graduate from this hell hole. When my expenses stop being paid for, my paycheques aren’t going to be enough to allow me to live the life I was thinking of.

Sighing, I quickly checked my car for any bombs. No way in hell was I going to let some idiot blow up MY baby...

After finishing the rather mundane chore, I started up the car. It roared to life and settled down into a gentle purr. Since it was raining, it would have been the smart thing to drive slowly and cautiously, so as to avoid causing an accident...

But that was also the boring thing to do.

And since when did I do the boring thing?

Pulling out of the driveway, I turned to face the deserted road before me. Switching on my stereo, I found the song I thought suited this situation the best: Born to Be Wild.

I revved the engine once.


I took my foot off the brakes, and gently tapped the accelerator.

By gently, I of course mean that I floored the son of a bitch.

Remember when I said that my car got tricked out? Yeah, well, one of the things that got upgraded was the horsepower. By how much? Let me put it this way... It makes a Bugatti seem like an old broken down Beetle in comparison.

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