Just Give Me A Reason ( Austria x Hungary Hetalia )

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Hungary couldn't sleep. Of course she couldn't. Horrid arguments continuously went on between her and her love, Austria. Long ago, the two countries were married. They were so in love. It seemed as if there was never any type of love between two people as big as these two. Their love was the strongest and everyone else thought so too, even Prussia. Hungary and Austria thought everything was perfect. That was...until that happened.

What is that? It was the time of their divorce. Neither of the two wanted their divorce...at all. They loved each other more than their hearts would allow. But sadly, their hearts weren't the only ones who wouldn't allow it. Many, many, MANY others were completely against their marriage. The two had been together for a very long time, but something struck their bosses and their people. It was sudden. Nobody seemed to have a problem with it until a long LONG while later after the marriage between Austria and Hungary. The couple ran from the attackers who were willing to stop at nothing in order to make sure the two countries were split up. ~~~~FLASHBACK~~~~ "RODERICH!!" The Hungarian screams as she runs through the house looking for her husband. Suddenly, she bumps into the man she was calling and looking for: Austria. "Elizabeta, what is it?!" Austria asks in a panic. "Th-they're coming!!!" Hungary says, tears rushing from her green eyes. Austria is scared too, but stays strong for his wife. He knew all too well that people wanted he and his wife to be split up. "This way, Eliza." Austria says as calmly as he can, but a little bit of fear and panic are noticed in his tone. He grabs Elizabeta's hand and runs towards the room where he keeps his piano. Once inside of the room, he rushes to the wall to the left of the white fireplace. He bends down and moves a floorboard to the side, revealing a latter going down into darkness. Roderich grabs a gas lamp hanging next to the latter and lights it with fire from the fireplace. He helps his wife down the latter before climbing down himself, lamp in his left hand, Elizabeta's hand in his right. There was no way he would let go of her for even a split second. ~~~~time skip in flashback~~~~ The Austrian and the Hungarian still had their hands locked together, even as they are being pushed to a building by furious mobs of people. The two countries were covered in dirt and their clothes are ripped. There are even a few scratches where Austria had been hurt by some of the people while trying to protect his wife. The two are brutally pushed into a building after being marched around both of their homelands. Austria and Hungary have guns pointing to them as they walk up to two men sitting in large chairs: their bosses. "You two cannot stay together, and you won't! Stop fighting us and give up already!" Hungary's boss yells. "I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I LOVE THIS MAN MORE THAN ANYTHING!" Hungary yells, her grip on Austria's hand tightening. "Austria, you MUST stop this ridiculous fighting for a silly woman!" Austria's boss yells. "She is NOT a silly woman! Zis woman is ze love of my life and I vill NEVER villingly give her up!" The enraged Austrian yells back. "You two will split up or we will force it upon you!" The two bosses yell. A guard grabs Hungary's left arm and begins pulling her, while another guard starts pulling on Austria's right arm. Austria didn't let up his left hand grip on Hungary's right hand, and Hungary didn't loosen hers one bit. However, the two guards continued pulling. The married couple were stronger than others thought they were. Hungary was bawling and Austria was actually crying. They were staring into each others eyes, crying, and keeping their hands together. The bosses had enough of it. "You left us no choice. You there! Split them up, NOW!" Hungary's boss yells, while Austria's boss tosses a sword in a guard's direction. "ฉันรักเธอ! ฉันรักเธอ! ฉันรักเธอ! ฉันรักเธอ!" Hungary yells to Austria as she continues to harshly cry. "ICH LIEBE DICH! ICH LIEBE DICH! ICH LIEBE DICH!" Austria yells back as he too cries and struggles to keep his hand attached to Hungary's. Sharp sword in hand, the guard approaches the two countries and raises his arm high above his head and bringing it down with a strong and forceful blow by the sword on the hands that refused to disconnect. Hungary and Austria screamed in pain of the sword and being split up. It couldn't be possible. The two countries were pulled apart. Forced apart. And it would be years until the two could actually physically meet again.

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