Double Rant

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Ok, before I start ranting, there are some things you should know:

1) I completely forgot what I originally came here to rant about

2) I'm sick, I'm tired, and I'm stressed. I suppose you could also throw lovesick in there.

Alright. Yeah, I'm sick. I was juuuust fine yesterday, but now my throat hurts, my eyes keep watering, and my nose won't stop running. We got out of school relatively early today, it was already planned but today was chaotic. Some kid in the junior high had an asthma attack, there was a snake in the building, yeah. Let's just say this isn't even the half of why I'm so irritated.

Those who have read my most recent post (on October 7th 2016), you'd know that I'm stressed. Not quite depressed, I think I'm past that by now. Being tired doesn't help at all, so that's why I'm so glad it's Friday. But I feel like I'm going insane. Normally, I'm a good student. I have straight A's, not perfect, but they're up there. I need to have internet to do math, so I end up having to do that during my study hall. Now, I'm struggling to keep up assignments because of a single person.

I have no idea where I posted this, but in one of my books, I posted something about being utterly heartbroken since my crush had started going out with another girl. Hell, that heartbreak was absolutely pointless. They didn't even date three days. Honestly, I went to a theme park with my class, then by the time I got home I was bawling. I don't even know how no one noticed that I was being more silent than usual (and I'm a quiet person irl). Now I've let trusted people know that I have a crush on him (still). I have a really hard time trusting people with secrets this huge. Last time I did, the one person I thought I could trust went to the biggest loudmouth in the class and my secret got out. And I don't blame the latter to date. The girl I thought I could trust? Fucking hate her to bits. When I got a card from my class on the last day there, I crossed out her name right in front that bitch.

Anyway, I'm still crushing on this guy, and kinda hoping the majority of you all don't go to my school. I've asked for help to ask him out, but she's not exactly telling me if she's been doing anything or not (radabs).

Sorry to rant for so long, but typing takes away my frustration. And that's what this here book is for ^^

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