Fnaf oneshot entry for co writer

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So FanFaz101 has a competition for a co writer of a fnaf book and this is my entry. It's a Bonnie x reader. All the animatronics will be in human form.

I hurried into my office at Freddy Fazbears pizza. I threw my backpack onto the floor and sat down in the office chair waiting for my best friend Chica to come visit me. Just as I was getting frustrated with waiting the bubbly blonde came bounding into the office with a huge smile painted across her face.
"Why are you so happy?" I questioned my best friend.
"Well... how about you follow me and find out!"
This couldn't be good. Chica sprinted down the hall with me dawdling away behind her. When we got to the stage the whole gangs was sitting in a circle.
"TRUTH OR DARE!" Chica screeched.
"Yikes! My poor ears." Freddy responded. He was in his usual attire of a suit and the classic top hat. I sighed... Truth or dare always brought back memories of middle school but there was no getting out of it. I positioned myself in between Chica and Foxy the pirate.
"So who's going first?" Gold (Fred's brother) asked. Chica jumped in the air shrieking causing Bonnie to cover his ears. "Ok Lassy calm down. Ye be doin a truth or a dare?" Foxy replied.
"I'm no chicken DARE ME! Wait that's not right I am technically a chicken but you get the idea!" She yelled causing me to have a giggle fit.
"Ok I dare you to prank call someone!" Bonnie said over the top of my uncontrollable laughing. I handed Chica my phone and she scrolled through my contacts.
"Hey who's "Rachel"?" Chica asked.
"Oh she was a girl who bullied me in high school..." I replied.
"Perfect to prank call her then! It's ringing... ringing.."
"Hi, are you Luke?"
"Who are you?"
"I am your father!"
Then she put the phone down and burst into laughter soon joined by me and Gold.
"Ok ok um Y/N Truth or dare?" Chica asked me after she'd finished laughing.
Um truth or dare....
"Uh dare."
Freddy smirked. He loved making me feel awkward so I knew this was going to be awful.
"I dare you to kiss someone in this room. We'll all close are eyes except for Chica just to make sure you aren't cheating." Freddy said. I felt dread flood my body as I'd always been very private and sensitive about this kind of stuff. They all closed their eyes and I had to pick. Um not Freddy or Gold so it's between Foxy and Bonnie... Wait Chica has a thing for Foxy so I better go with Bonnie...He's really sweet and very handsome so I guess it will be ok? I shuffled over to the bunny turned human and pecked his lips. I shuffled back to my space and told them all to open their eyes.
"About that lassy.... Aye don't think any of us closed our eyes. Ye be in a tough situation 'ere!" Foxy exclaimed. I felt a bright red blush creep over my face as I saw Bonnie smirk at me Fred and Gold grinning and my super helpful best friend fangirling her head off.
"Well...that happened." Bonnie said staring at me. This is not how I planned my Friday night.....

And done!!!  I hope you like it!

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