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I have been a slave for at least 14 years now. Long time right? But what should I do about it? I was nothing but a rebellious slave. As I was five my father sold me to some random guy. And since that day I'm a slave. I had only two Masters in that 14 years. Today's my 19th Birthday. And my actual Master cared about it. It was a kind old woman.

"Hey Birthday girl", she said as she walked into my room.

"Good morning Master", I said and looked at her.

"How are you?" "I'm good. How about you?" "I'm good too." She was lying. There was something going on. "Why are you lying to me? What's happening?", I asked. "Nothing you need to worry about."

She gave me a piece of cake and left the room. That was strange. Normaly she would stay and eat cake with me. I needed to know what was going on out there. As I left my room I saw nothing. Everything seemed normal. Then I heard voices.

"Why are you here?", my Master asked. "Someone in the village is force sensitive and we've got orders to take that someone", a male voice said.

Force sensitive? Who? We where a village from old people and slaves.

"I don't know anyone who's force sensitive. Maybe you're in the wrong village", my Master said.

"No we're not in the wrong village. So tell us everything you know." "I don't know anything about her." "Her? So we're searching for a girl. Where is she?" "I don't know. Now leave my house or I will make you." "Is that a threat?" "Yes. Now leave. There is nothing more I can and will tell you." "Fine. But we won't leave without a gift." "A gift?" "Yes. Lord Ren won't be pleased if we come back without that Force sensitive child."

I decided to go back to my room. Or better I decided to run back to my room. And I tripped. I tripped over a pair of shoes. How could I be that stupid?! The man went out if the room with two other man in white armor. The man leaned over me and looked at me.

"She's a pretty little thing. I think she will please Lord Ren. Take her", he said to one of the man in armor. The man nodded and grabbed my wrist.

"I will not come with you!", I half yelled. "No one cares about what you want. You're a slave", the man said. "Let go of me!", I yelled at the man in the white armor.

I tried to get out of his grip.

"Y/n it's alright. Go with them", my Master said. "But Master-" "No buts y/n. Go. It's okay." "No it's not! I will not go with them, I can't go with them. You need me here Master. What if something happens and no one is there to help you?" "Y/n I will just get another slave. Now go with them, please." "Your Master is a wise Lady. You should do what she says", the red haired man said.

I was close to the point where I wanted to punch him in the face. But I decided not to do it. Not yet.

"Fine. I will go with them", I finally said and looked at my Master.

"Wise decision", the man said. My Master hugged me one last time, before I followed the three man into a ship.

"I'm General Hux by the way", the red haired said. "Do I look like I care?", I asked. "Careful slave."

I'm going to punch him in the face the next time he calls me that.

"ED-3370 will stay with you until we're on the base", Hux said and left. Silence filled the room. The trooper was staring at me and I was sitting on the ground.

"So.. Why don't you get real names?", I asked and looked at the trooper. "I don't know." "Can I give you a name?" "Of course." "I will call you Eddy", I said and smiled. "Sounds good."

Eddy and I kept talking until we were at the base. Eddy seemed like a nice guy. Hux grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. The base was a really big place. I will definitely get lost here. Hux showed me the cantine, the medical wing and some other things I didn't think would be important.

"General Hux, have you found the force sensitive?", a robotic voice asked. "No. Not yet. But we took at least 5 slaves from the village", Hux said. "Why did you take slaves?" "Well I thought we needed some workers. And I thought that one here would please you."

Hux pushed me forward and I fell to the ground because of the sudden push.

"You bought me a slave? As an excuse for your failure?", the man asked. "Yes Lord Kylo."

I was still lying on the floor looking up at them.

"What do you expect me to do with a slave? I've got better things to do than watching over a slave." "Well I've got better things to do as well", I said and got up. "No one asked for you opinion stupid bitch", Hux said.

Okay enough is enough. I turned to face Hux and punched him in the face.

"That's for calling me a slave", I said and kicked him in the stomache. "That's for calling me a bitch!", I said a bit louder. My fist landed in his face once more.

"And that's for taking me away from my home!", I now yelled with tears in my eyes.

Ready to hit him again, I raised my hand, but my wrist got cought by Kylo.

"Let go of me!", I yelled, but Kylo only pulled me close to him. "You're a rebellious little slave. I think I will keep you", he whispered then he let go of me. "ED-3370 show her, where her room will be", Kylo ordered and I followed Eddy.


_ThnkngLdlynsdGrl here is your first chapter. And even if I didn't want to post it now, I thought, maybe it'd make you a little happy if I posted it. So here ya go. Hope y'all enjoy it. Have a good day. 😅🌈

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