chapter 1:marie

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I sit in my room and think "what happens, what went wrong?" Maybe it was something I said or maybe it was something i did but I just couldn't figure it out. The day had gone down like this, when I got to school, the never ending place of loneliness, I did the usual , I went to where my group of friends usually stand. I knew there was something wrong before I got over there. When I got over there my best friend star walked away like I had never even existed , like I hadn't been her friend sense first grade. When I went to go follow her I was stopped by a hand.

"I wouldn't if I were you she's in a pretty bad mood" I turned around to see my friend sapphire standing there.

"Why what happened?" I ask in disbelief

" she wouldn't tell us anything but she was terribly mad!" She responds back in the same disbelief

"Oh then I will try to talk to her later, any way how are you and Charley still going good?"I ask in wonder

"Yeah, pretty good we haven't been in any fights lately and he asked me to go out with him Saturday" she says with a smile.

"Oh that's good what did you say?"

"Told him yes that, that would be lovely!" She says with a smile from ear too ear.

Just then the bell rings so I say my good byes and head off to class. You know I just don't understand why can't I get a boy friend I mean things are going pretty good for all my friends and st home isn't the best so I'm not sure what to think. I mean I'm thankful my friends are having a great life but why can't I.
They day goes on as usual but, in fourth block is when things get complicated , that's the class sebastian is in one of my biggest crushes, I don't really understand. Well first of all when I get in the class I sit in my usual seat and say hello to sebastian, Emily, and sapphire. The weirdest thing happens though, sebastian doesn't say hello back so I turn to my friend Emily.

"What wrong with sebastian ?" I ask

" I don't know he's been like that all day, its weird I never see him this down!"she says taken aback.

"Should I ask him?"

"I wouldn't if I were you!" she says with worry on her face

"Maybe I should try something"I say
I reach over and poke sebastian's arm.
"Sebastian?"I say in a kind voice

"I don't want to talk to you" he says with a grouchy voice

I'm taken aback a little bit so I sit back and stare off. I don't say another word for the rest of the day and when I get home I sit on my bed with my face in my hands.

I want to text him and star and ask what I did. Did I cross a line of some sort? I don't understand , what could I have done . I text sebastian and star asking what I did star texts back "are you serious" and sebastian texts back "I don't want to talk about it" I sit there a few moments. I suddenly fill a drop of water on my cheek so I look up to see if the roof is leaking, because it is raining outside. I realize that the roof isn't dripping I'm crying. I pull myself into a ball and cry my self to sleep hoping for a new day tomorrow.

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