Chapter One - Good Morning

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Chapter One - Good Morning

"Magda?!" I chewed my lip nervously while my best friend continued to brush her chocolate brown hair with her fingers.

"Mhmm..," she made not looking up.

"Magda, can you see him?"

"Him, who?"

For the first time during our conversation she made the effort to look up and meet my eyes. As always the void where her eyes should have been startled me a bit, but I was too caught up worrying about the boy to notice.

"The one on the table two rows from here. Black hair, very pale, tall..," I tried to be as objective as I could.

"The one with the scary tatoo?"

I stiffled a sigh and nodded. Magda was always there when it came to speaking the obvious truth in a way nobody else would have ever dared to.

"Jeez, he’s hot."

"So you can see him, too?"

"Yes, and he’s still delicious." Magda wiggled her eyebrows.

A shudder went down my spine as his empty eyes turned to look at me.

"I think I’m going to talk to him," Magda exclaimed happily, popped her pink bubble gum and jumped up from the tabletop she was sitting on.

"Magda," I hissed trying to keep her back, but she was already gone.

"Feli.. Feli.. OPHELIA."

I groaned into my pillow and tried to hide my head under my covers.

"Ophelia, get up honey," my mother said softly, apparently realizing that her threat-your-daughter-and-she-will-do-as-you-say-strategy wouldn’t work. Not today.

"I’m tired, mom," I mumbled angrily since I was still halway asleep. It was too early to get up. Way to early. In fact it was always too early for me to get up, no matter how long I slept in.

"Then you need to go to bed earlier," my mother snapped and tugged my warm cozy covers away from my body.

"Pleaaase. Just five more minutes," I begged whining.

"Get up. Now."

I knew I had lost. There would have been no possibility of me going back to sleep anyway. Not with the stares my mother would surely be sending me by now from the end of my bed.

Grumpily I sat up and hid my face behind my hands before I groaned in annoyance once more.

"Very good. Now get ready for school. You have 20 minutes."

My hands dropped from my face immediately.

"20 Minutes?!"

"I let you sleep a little longer," she said dropping her eyes before she quietly added,"you were talking in your sleep."

"Oh," was all I managed to utter, before my mother got up and left me alone in my suddenly cold room.

The mirror was lying. I couldn’t possibly look so pale. After all I had gotten almost ten hours of sleep. TEN HOURS. Even new born babies could go with less sleep than I did. But of course new born babies had no Magda and other people wandering their dreams every night.

Lightly I touched the shadows under my eyes and felt my eyeball underneath the skin. Instead of a void I still had proper eyes set into my face. Dull grey eyes, but nonetheless. Eyes. Unlike the people from my dreams.

My dreams. I shuddered suddenly remembering the new boy. Somehow the absense of eyes hadn’t lessened the pained look on his face.

I brushed my fingers through my thick brown curls and cursed Magda in my head once more. Reckless silly girl.

After getting dressed I sighed. My reflection still didn’t look any better. Hopefully no one would pay attention to me today, but usually there was no one at Mt. McKinley High to impress anyway.

Immediately I felt a bit better and turned away from my refelection to grab my schoolbag.

"Felia, you need to go," my mom shouted up and I quickly shouldered my bag to run down the stairs. As always I jumped the last two steps and landed in front of my mother with a soft thud. A smile tugged around the corners of her lips but she remained still and stared at me, as if she was waiting for an apology.

"Sorry. Had to fix my hair," I grinned, not in the slightest sorry for my delay. I could make up for it by speeding down the highway.

"You should have put on some make up. You’re face is almost as grey as your eyes."

"Yeah. Well. Too bad. I gotta go," I blurted out, suddenly keen to get away from my mother. She seemed to be in a pretty bad mood after I had gotten so angry at her for waking me up. I opened the front door and slipped out quickly.

"See you tonight," she called after me as I stepped into the fresh morning air.

Any thoughts so far ? And does anyone know an actor with black hair and green eyes, preferably hot ;D ?

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