His Favorite Spot to Kiss

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It's been some time but I'm getting lazy so this will be a short scenario, and this is what I think would be their favorite is. XD Most will pass this and that's okay cause I do the same sometimes lol, but I just wanna say thank you to the views and votes and the comments. They all make me happy when people do it. Okay I'm done with sappy stuff so I won't say more, I get grossed out lol. Anyways the picture is about Jumin's story so if you haven't read it then it won't make sense, but it's pretty accurate.
Now to the story~


Seven's favorite spot to kiss is your neck. He loves it when you sit on his lap while he's working and how you jump and blush when he does it. He does it any chance he gets. You always try to hide it but fail because he will start to tickle you to get what he wants. He leaves hickey's in the process saying that's how he can show people your his.


Yoosung is cute and innocent which makes him a little clingy. He always kisses you when you least expect it, which is a lot. He thinks it makes him more manly because you blush and hide your face or punch him in the arm. He's happy that only he can make you feel that way. But his favorite place is your nose because you wriggle your nose after words and he finds it cute.


Zen is quick to make a move but doesn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable. He likes to take things slow and make you feel like a princess. His favorite spot is your hands. He finds it cute when you blush because he gets on his one knee and kisses your hand, or he will grab your hand to hold it and he kisses it then.


Jumin can sometimes be a little pushy with out knowing it. His favorite spot is your ears. He thinks it's cute to do cause he would do it and then you would shiver and snuggle in his chest, which he loves to be close to you. He likes to nibble on them which makes you whine making him chuckle.


Saeran doesn't show a whole lot affection. He doesn't really know what to do so it's mostly you who makes the first move. When he does do something he would do the classic kiss on the cheek and then hide his face, making you smile. But his favorite place is really any where on your face especially your lips. But he only kisses those when your asleep or 'asleep'. You will mostly fake sleep just to feel him kiss you and to kiss back making him blush hard when he figures out your awake. 

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