That Girl

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Sitting alone in a dull room, the breeze chills the air, enough to give you goose bumps. Shaking, with tears pouring out of my eyes, I look down at my wrist, "I write in silver and it comes out red", I thought to myself. The words, that girl said in class embedded in my mind, "loser", slit, "worthless", slit, "pathetic", slit, "weak", slit. Blood everywhere, all over the floor, sitting there all alone.

The next day at school, I am wearing a jumper, hiding it all from people. Trying to avoid that girl, terrified to even walk through the gate. In class, it is inevitable, that girl will be there. I walk into class and the first thing that I hear is that girl saying "back for more, hey? Just go kill yourself already!" With a tightened chest, I try to breath but it's as if something is strangling me, the churning in my stomach is getting too much. I ask the teacher if I can be excused, I felt sick. I am terrified to go back to class. I am terrified of that girl.
As a teacher walks past she hears me in the bathroom, she can hear the pain from my cry. She demands that I go and talk to the school Councillor. I sit there, in front of the Councillor, not saying a word. The Councillor keeps mentioning how sick, scared and sad I look. Still refusing to say anything, the Councillor makes the school send me home. My mother angry because the school called her and she had to leave work. Yelling at me on the way home my mother just keeps asking why? What happened? She tells me that I can't just not go to school.
Once I am home. I run straight into my room. Tears once again streaming out of my eyes, the aching from my chest is so deep. I feel like giving up. I can't do this anymore. That girl in class has physically and mentally tortured me and I can't continue living life like this. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can barely even move.
The next day I go back to school. Even more nervous today then yesterday, my skin as pale as snow. Again I walk into class, that girl is there again although this time, surprisingly, she didn't say anything, she didn't even look at me. I really thought that today was going to be a good day. Although at lunch time that girl had come up to me, she started questioning me. "Seeing the school Councillor now are we? Better not open your mouth. Say anything about me and I will make your life a living hell. Got it? Good!" after she had finished talking she flicked her hair and walked away smiling. My chest tied in a massive knot, I felt like throwing up.
Once again I go home but this time before I run to my room, I walk past my mother and tell her that I'm not going to school. The confused look on her face, although I didn't want to say anymore so I ran to my bedroom. My mother is beginning to get extremely worried about me because I can't talk to her about this because that girl would hurt me if I did. My mother didn't know what to do. She didn't want me to feel this way.
My mother still had to go to work so she let me stay at home by myself. Before she left, she told me how much she loved me and that she would see me this afternoon. The day was going average, although suddenly *Bring bring* my phone rang. It was an unknown number, I answered it anyway, "Not coming to school now? How pathetic! I'm going to get you! Watch your back! I'm going to kill you!", it was that girl. I dropped the phone, shaking, balling my eyes out, barely being able to breathe. I ran to the bathroom, I looked in the medicine cabinet, looking for something to stop all this pain. I grab every pill that is front of me, turned on the tap, put about 6 random pills in my mouth and swallowed. I grab about 10 more and swallowed them as well. I fall to the floor, my eyes dried out, my breathing is starting to slow down. *Bang* With blurred vision I see my mother burst through the door. Screaming with fear, she runs and holds me. The neighbors come in to see what has happened and my mother yells for them to ring an ambulance. As the ambulance gets to my house and my mother still unable to comprehend what has happened, she comes with me to the hospital. Only hanging onto life by a thread, I can see how much I have hurt my mother. We arrive at the hospital, I get taken into emergency, get attached to a life support system and then beeep...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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