Chapter Two: New Job

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Chapter Two: New Job

Taylor knew he was alone as soon as he opened his eyes. He couldn’t taste anything except his morning breath, and it was oddly soothing. That meant Lo had gone out…or he’d changed into his dog form. When he was in dog form, Taylor tasted absolutely nothing, even though he wasn’t necessarily sure as to why. Yawning, he stretched and then crawled out of bed, going to brush his teeth. He did that a lot, he realized - not because his teeth looked awful or because he was a total brush-nerd, but because it helped ease the tastes in his mouth. After brushing his teeth, he left the bathroom and moved down the hallway.

There was a note attached to the refrigerator by a magnet. Taylor snagged it and read it, yawning again as he put on a fresh pot of coffee. He quickly noticed Lo’s scrawl.


Went to the store. Be back soon. Corbin called. Wants us to meet him. Be ready by the time I get back.

Taylor rolled his eyes and crumpled the note before he tossed it in the trash. Be ready his ass! He just got up. If Lo was that worried about them getting there quickly, he should have woken Taylor or something. So Taylor took his time and made his coffee. When it was done, he drank a steaming cup before he finally left the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway. The taste of annoyance filtered through his mouth and he knew Lo had returned.

“You ready yet, flavor-guy?” Lo called down the hallway as he shut the door behind him with a snap. Taylor tugged on a clean gray shirt and a clean pair of shapeless, faded blue jeans and then emerged from his bedroom.

“I’m coming, hold your horses,” he said with a scowl. He pulled on his shoes in the living room and then stood, smirking at him. “Why are we going to see Corbin, anyway? What’d he want when he called?”

“Something about a job he wants us to do,” the blond replied dismissively.

Taylor frowned. “I hate jobs.” Jobs from Corbin always meant trouble and horrible tastes - and lots of toothpaste.

“Yeah, but you gotta make a living somehow. Get your ass in gear.”

“I’m so far in gear I’m gonna need to downshift to go your pace,” Taylor snipped, narrowing his eyes at him. “Lead the way, dog-man.”

That taste of annoyance was back, but Taylor just grinned as Lo rolled his eyes and turned, walking out of the apartment. Taylor followed after him and they got into Lo’s Mustang. Lo pulled away from the curb before Taylor even had his seatbelt on.

“In a hurry, much?” Taylor snorted.

“Shut up.”

“Ooh, witty comeback. They teach you that in dog-school?”

“Why am I friends with you, again?”

“We’re not friends,” Taylor said easily, causing a strange taste to fill his mouth, one he couldn’t quite place because there were so many conflicting emotions, as Lo slid his gaze toward him. “I keep telling you I hate you and yet you think I mean differently when I say this. And thus you are practically stalking me…like the good doggy you are.”

Lo rolled his eyes. “I should kick you out of my car.”

“But you love me too much!” Taylor said with a grin. “I’m the only one that puts up with your crap.”

Lo grunted but Taylor knew he’d won the argument. Most people didn’t look twice at Lo because of how he behaved, but he and Taylor were still great friends anyway. They hadn’t quite been able to stand each other at first - Taylor had been confused, scared, and alone, and Lo had been a royal ass to him. However, it was easiest to be friends with Lo if one acted like his equal and treated him the same way, but in good humor. Somehow, the two had managed to become friends.

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