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Mk so KamuiLuV a terrible soul, murdered my nrpple. So I stole her mochi seal squishy, and she went like ham on meh. But she was a weak midget SO IDC KamuiLuV if your reading this I wave you :D sarcastically XD. So I ran across meh house and I turned the corner then I rammed into a MUTHER FUDGIN OPEN WOODEN TRASH CAN. Then I fell to da floor but I'm a cockroach so I don't need and hand to hold.... I mean head to live..... BUT I HAD A FRIGGIN SCAR NEXT TO MY NRRPLE. It was caught in face time to. So EVERYONE TWIST KAUMILUVS NRPPPLEEEEEEEE.
Btw the door broke on the trash can and I wasn't really even bleeding. :D That's me at the top trying to SAVE MY NRRPLE WHEN I SAW THE TRASH CAN :-:

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