Chapter 1

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A cold wind blew through the window. Olivia looked outside. She could see the huge forest from the bedside window. The forest was always s subject of mystery to her. The leaves of the trees glowed silver in the moonlight. The forest was a forbidden area in the town. She heard that years ago a witch cursed the forest for some unknown reasons. Since then, no one dared to enter the forest.

Olivia's house was located just near the forest. Unlike others, she always wanted to go to the forest.
The forest looked really beautiful in the moonlight.

It was nearly twelve. Olivia closed the window and quietly lay down im her bed. Soon she fell asleep.

Olivia was just two years old when she lost her parents. Since then she had been living with her stepmother and three stepsisters. Her stepmother was a stern, cunning and strict woman who was always very cruel to Olivia. She always said that Olivia was ugly, worthless and had no standards. Her stepsisters weren't very nice either. However, they rarely sspoke to her except for occasions when they needed somethimg that belonged to her. They mostly kept to themselves unlike her stepmother and the maid who didn't miss any chance to point out her mistakes.

Olivia woke up by the irritating sound of her stepsisters Claudia, Linora and Irelyn. She got up from her bed and went to their room which was next to hers to see the matter.

As soon as she reached the room, she realised that they were fighting over a dress. It was Olivia's.

"Look Olivia, today there is a party and you must give your dress to me." Linora shouted.

" No, me." The other two yelled.

" I will wear this at the party." Irelyn said as she snatched the dress from Linora's hand.

" No, I will be wearing it." Claudia shouted.

At last, they ended up tearing the dress. Olivia sighed. It was her favourite gown.

" What's the matter girls?" A voice said from behind. Olivia recognised it to be her stepmother's. She quickly turned back facing the door.

For a moment, there was silence.

" They were fighting over my dress and they ended up tearing my dress." Olivia complained.

" Why were you three fighting over Olivia's silly dress? I can show you much more pretty dresses."

" But mother, her dress was really beautiful." Irelyn said looking at the dress.

" Shut up. Let's go, I will give you much more beautiful dresses than her."

" Sorry, Olivia." Claudia said as she passed by.

" We simply tore your dress." The other too said.

" Why are you still standing, Olivia? Go and clean your sisters' room." Her stepmother ordered.

Olivia broke into tears. Her stepmother was way too rude than her stepsisters.

" Olivia, would you stop crying. If you can't clean their room, please go and help the maid." Her stepmother shouted from the other room.

Olivia wiped her tears and quietly made her way to the kitchen.

Hello! Thank you for reading this. Do comment and say me how you like the story. And if you like it please tap the little star and turn it into orange. Any suggestion is welcome.
Thank you.
- Edith

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