The Rape of Persilla Kore

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                             i love greeks nd always wanted to write a story on mythology....and just to let you know,THIS IS NOT ABOUT AN ACTUAL RAPE!Its about persephone.if u dont kno who that is,google it or wait for later in the story for me to tell u.this is just an intro like thingy tho...this is my second story and i love the plot line so immuna have fun with this one.and in case yuh didnt kno,im writing this whole story on my phone,which makes it hard to edit. there will be mistakes..nd lots of them,so plz dont point them out.its irritating.anywhore, tell meh wat chya think <3


I picked up a dark red rose and set my lighter to the stem.flicking my hand over the switch,i let the flame quickly turn it to ash.

"Persilla," my mom beckoned in a warning tone as she went garden crazy," fix"  

I sighed and poked the ashes absent mindedly. Gold, green, and red ribbons twirld into the air,and silhouetted a rose. They finally fused together,revealing a rose that had been burned moments before.i dont understand how it works,but it just matter where i go,everything grows. No matter how old the seed,or how unimportant the plant..from the weeds between the sidewalk,to the trees youd never thought to look for,EVERYTHING grew. If you cant see why thats a bad thing,try walking past someone whos eating sunflower or pumpkin seeds and watching flowers burst from their mouthes or pumpkins roll from their bags. Try driving down an unpaved road with someone and not knowing when a tree will spring out of completely no where. Try being 6 and playing hide-n-go-seek without leaving a trail wherever you went! One upside is farmers adored me,used me when their crops failed.all i had to do was walk through their fields,and they paid me big bucks. 

As if i hadn't had it hard enough,my mom said she was signing me up for public school...................................... 


I think she wants me to die.yup thats definitely did it occurred in her mind that sending her 17 year old daughter, who cant go anywhere without leaving a farmville trail behind, was okay? Cause lemme tell you,its NOT!we'd spent the past weekend going school shopping. Buying supplies, shoes,...clothes my mom insisted were 'in' but looked like a voodoo mama had given her clothes to goodwill.i start tomorrow and i was a little bit less than thrilled...-.- 





I woke up super early to get ready. After doing my morning rituals, shower,brushing teeth,drying my hair, i stepped into my closet. I didnt want to look to plain,but not to extravagant. I threw on a light pink v neck and a black zip up sweater, some light blue jeans and ankel high boots.

After looking in the mirror to see if my butt looked to big i put on some pink eye shadow with a brown highlight.then i moved on to my hair. I settled for letting my natural waves cascade down my back and took two strands from the sides,twisted them and wrapped them around my head and clasped them tightly with a claw clip.putting on lip gloss i got a good look at myself.

I hate looking in the mirror. Im a bit curvier than most guys like. With wide hips and thighs and a tiny waist,i looked basically like a hoe from a rap video.only the body though,my face was a contradiction to my body. My lips were fuller than most and my nose impossibly straight. My eyes were a startling violet color.they sometimes change to gray depending on my mood.all of that wrapped in a ruler straight jaw line with a slightly rounded chin,was as odd as it gets around here.

Some may say it doesnt sound that bad, but everyone around me was basically the exact opposite of me. Narrow waists,round faced,was what guys apparently preferred. I dont quite understand why i-.

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