Teddy Bear

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Ian sniffled and coughed as Anthony came into his room carrying a tray of hot soup and orange juice.

"Hey baby." He cooed, putting the tray on his lap and sitting him up.

"Thank you." said Ian, his voice raspy. Anthony kissed his forehead.

"Anything for you."

Anthony laid next to Ian on the bed as Ian sipped his soup.

"How is it?"

"It's good. Y'know, if I could taste anything." Anthony chuckled. Even when he was sick, he still had that sense of humor that he loved.

"Just drink it. You'll be better in no time." Anthony ran his hands through Ian's hair, noticing how warm he was.

"Hold on." said Anthony, getting up and walking out of the room. Ian heard him grab his keys and walk out the front door.

He shrugged, knowing that Anthony would return soon with more comforting objects. He wasn't disappointed when he did.

Anthony came into the room ten minutes later, just as Ian was finishing his soup.

"I got you something." He said, with his hands behind his back. He revealed his hands.

A cute, furry, white teddy bear, just like the one Ian had when they first met and had their first sleepover.

Ian's face lighted up as he took it from Anthony's hands.

"It's just like-"

"I know." Anthony laid Ian's tray with the empty bowl and cup on the floor as Ian turned on his side and hugged the bear.

Anthony laid next to Ian, hugging him just like he was his own little bear.

His own little sick bear.

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