CHAPTER 1 - Black Mail

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"Good Morning class." My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Kiwa said. "I would like to thank you for joining me on your first day today I will be giving you your partners for the first half of the year. The 2nd half I will give you a new partner.

"I hope we're partners." I say, turning to my best friend Kazumi. She had been my friend since practically birth. She had long curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and her body would probably be considered one of a goddess... the complete opposite of mine. I had short brown hair, light brown eyes and I was short and had an average body.

"I hope so...Your the only on I know in this class... being put with a stranger is terrifying..." Kazumi said, looking at me with worry in her eyes. Did I mention she was actually very shy?

"Now to assign partners. I will pass around a basket and you'll pull out a number. Who ever has the same number as you will be your partner." The teacher said, handing the basket to the first person. The basket was passed around until it got to me. I reached into the basket and pulled out a number 6. I passed the basket to Kazumi and she pulled out a card, before passing it along.

I showed her my card hoping she would have the same number as me. She frowned as showed me a card that had a number '8' on it. I sighed of disappointment and began wondering who had the '6' or who would get a number '6'.

"As everyone gotten a number?" Mrs. Kiwa, said glancing around.

"Yes." A few of the students in the class said in unison.

"Alright, stand up if you have a card with a number one on it." The teacher said, two students stood up. "You two will be sitting at these desks."

"Stand up if you have a card with a number two on it." The teacher said, two students stood up. "You two will be sitting at these desks."

The teacher continued to say this until she got to my number.

"Stand up if you have a card with a number 6 on it." The teacher said. I stood up along with a very attractive male. I'd be lying if I said I didn't know who he was, honestly I think everyone knew who he was and if they didn't they're either lying or they must be new to this school. His name was Yasahiro Toshi, the most attractive male at this school or one of them at least. He's not just attractive, he's also very kind and smart. Almost every girls dream guy... including mine...

I stood up from my desk and walked to my new desk and sat next to Yasashiro.

"Hello, Miss." Yasahiro said, "I'm Yasashiro, may I ask for your name?"

"I'm Mitsuko..." I said, with a smile. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"As well as I." He spoke, with a sweet smile.

"The person your sitting next to right now will be your partner for every project. Whether is a inside this class or something that you'll do outside of school." The teacher exclaimed. "Your homework for today is to spend 1 hour with your partner, outside of school."

The bell rang right after Mrs. Kiwa finished speaking.

"Would you like to spend an hour talking in a café?" I hear Yasahiro say, as he swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"That works perfectly." I stated.

Yasashiro and I walk out of the school and to a café and sat at a table.

We talk for a about half an hour before I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of my cat. "This is my cat Bunny... it's a stupid name for a cat I know..." I said laughing slightly.

"Awe he's so cute, can I see your phone for a moment?" He questioned, smiling sweetly. I could say no... so of course I handed him my phone.

He turned it off then turned it back on again and opening it. "You don't have a password." Yasashiro questioned.

"No, I think it takes to long to type in a password..." I stated.

"I see..." he said as he started going through my phone. I see a small smirk forming on his face. "Oh... so you have a diary in your notes... plus some embarrassing pictures as well..."

"Why are you going through my phone?!" I question as I try to reach for my phone. He moves my phone out of his reach. "Wouldn't if be a shame if the people at school saw these pictures of you and read your diary~?"

"Wh- Why are you even mentioning this? Give me my phone!" I said.

"Hm... No... I'm gonna keep your phone." He said, his smirk widening. "If you want it back, you'll be servant and do what ever I say... if you don't I'll break your phone. If you tell someone... Your pictures and secrets will be all over the school. So... what will you do?" Yasahiro said, slipping my phone into his pocket

"I fucking hate you." I said, glaring at him.

"That's not how you talk to your master~!" Yasahiro said, a devilish smirk spread a crossed his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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