Chapter 1

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        I remember the day I first stepped into the gates of Lacban School for Training and Preparation, my eyes wide and full of hope, exited to finally begin to train for the Test and find my place in our world. And most of all, to work to receive a name, something that every kid dreams of. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of a journey that would test everything I ever believed about our country; everything I ever believed about myself.

        Riiiing! The bell sounds, announcing the end of our school day. Students burst out of the classrooms and flood the halls. Among them is me, Little Monthi, and my best friend Little Sythes, lost in the herd of teens making their way out of our school. Our names, like everyone else, are simply placeholders, our mom or dads last name with "little" stuck on the front for added affect. Our real name comes later, after the Test, sort of like a prize or a qualification for adulthood. But you can't receive an name until you take the Test and are sorted. That why I'm where I am right now, at LSTP, with tons of others. This is our Test year, now that we're 16, Little Sythes and I. Shes always been my best friend since the first day of school I wish I could assure that we always would be, but that's not how our world works. There was a pretty good chance that we would be sorted into different sectors. Our country consists of five sectors, Ciras, Tizm, Salen, Korost, Felbime, and the Inercity, where our school is, and where all government activities take place. After taking the Test you are sorted into one depending on your personality and skills and this can make or break any relationships you had before the Test. Once you are sorted into a sector you are forbidden by law to talk to or interact with people from others sectors, even if they are your family. This is the way it always has been and the way it always will be. Its the law of our land.

        As I trudge home my mind wanders. I knew my arms would be sore tomorrow and for some reason that stirs up a bit of anger in me. I was angry at the government for making up waste our life all to take a stupid test. A test that would probably separate me from my friends and family as if they never existed at all. One that would force me to hate others, simply for being different then I was and never give me the chance to know them. I realized how corrupt our way of life would seem to an outsider and that just angers me more. But it also makes me feel confused and even a bit like a traitor. Was I a traitor for thinking like this? And why hadn't I thought about it before? It was too much for me to handle at the moment, so I quickened my pace. I needed to talk to Little Sythes.   


"What in Lacban's name, Monthi! Why in the world would you say such a thing?! Do you want to get thrown in jail?! Don't you know what the Test means?!?" Little Sythes shouted, her voice getting louder with every question. I ducked my head in embarrassment. This hadn't been the way I had expected her to react when I told her about my thoughts after practice. "I didn't think you were the kind of person to go looking for trouble Monthi. You cant be thinking these things the week before the Test! You couldn't possibly want to... You cant possibly be thinking about being.." she pursed her lips and looked away. "an Unnamed." The way said the word was like it was acid in her mouth. The Unnamed were supposed to be a ruthless group of rebels who were bent on taking over the government and kidnapping children to brainwashing them to join there forces. The whole thing seemed a bit extreme to me but I certainly didn't want anything to do with it. Then I realized how long I had been silent. " Of course not, I-" I quickly spat out, but Little Sythes silenced me with a stony cold glare. "I thought you were better then that Monthi." She said, her words cutting into me like icicles. Then she turned around, marched to he room and slammed the door with a huff, leaving me to finish my homework in brittle silence.

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