| Chapter 1 |

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                 I sat there, on the edge of the bed, wondering if this is the way the rest of my life is going to be.

I looked over to the sleeping figure of Heath, anticipating his awakening.

Hesitantly, I got up, my bones sore from the old mattress that Heath refused to replace. I walked into the shabby kitchen that I tried to keep at its best. but unfortunately, it wasn't very much. The cool floor underneath brought a shiver up my spine that held a tank top on my bare shoulder.

I reached into the cupboard, grabbing the asprin, knowing that Heath was going to wake up with a killer hangover from the night before.

I leaned against the counter, thinking about how I got here.

In a crappy apartment with my deadbeat excuse of a boyfriend. Only at the age of 17, and I'm already in the real world.

At 16, I was kicked out of my house, because my step-mother didn't like me, and my father didn't care a bit about her decision. Luckily, but still unfortunately, I met Heath a recently turned 19 year-old ex-college student. He had the place, and the money to support me, and he was sweet. At first.

His real colors showed when I found him passed out in an alley, after calling me to pick him up.

But, he's all I got. And that's plenty enough.
I jumped, startled at the tiny creaks, and the shirtless appearance of Heath, slowly rubbing his eyes.

To be fully honest, Heath wasn't bad to look at. He had all the right genes. Dark hair, sharp jaw-line, light green eyes, and always a body to die for. But the usual attraction wore off the first six month. 

Now, he just does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. And I let him. I don't have any power over him, so why should I try?

I handed him the asprin as he collapsed heavily into one of mismatched wooden chairs, making it creak more than normal.

"Heath," I said, leaning against the counter again.
"Yeah, I know. Just-please. Not right now," he said, dismissing me with a gesture of his hand.

​​​​​​ I rolled my eyes, turning to the sink and grabbing a glass, filling it half-way before drinking it down.

I watched as he slowly rubbed his temples, before I walked over to my cell phone, typing in his work's number. I lifted the phone to my ear, listening for the tone to start.

I felt Heath's eyes on me until I turned around, which made him frown. Usually, a girlfriend is supposed to care when her boyfriend frowns at her, but this is how we communicate.

Jerking me out of my thoughts, the line picked up and I immediately went into my sweet voice tone.

"Hello, Ms. Kimberly?"  See? His boss knows me by name. How shocking.

"Yes, Mr. Valenti, I need to call Heath in sick. He's got strep throat."

"Strep? In Florida?"

"Yeah, he visited a couple of relatives in Ohio over the weekend, and he got strep from one of the cousins. He said he's sorry that he can't come in, and he knows how much you need him but he can barely get out of bed for a few seconds. He tried three times to get up for work, but his body just wasn't having it," I finished my elaborate lie, shifting my phone to my other ear, Heath watching the whole ordeal.

"I don't want to sound like I don't trust him, or you, but I need to hear him himself."

Beautiful Tragedy *Matthew Espinosa*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن