13 | Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday

Third Person P. O. V.

The silver haired male chuckled as he watched the rise and fall of his lover's chest, little sounds emitting from his soft lips. Some might find it a bit weird that he was watching his lover sleep, but it was completely normal under the very special circumstances. You see it was his lover's 22 birthday and he had yet to wake up to a very delicous birthday-in-bed breakfast. It was only a matter of time, and until then he would watch the blonde in his sleep.

"You've been watching for a while, Kakashi" the blonde mumbled. Kakashi sighed as the blonde squirmed and stretched against him, curling into his side and pulling him into a hug. Kakashi wrapped one arm around him, kissing him lightly as he said 'good morning'. The blonde smiled as he welcomed the warmth and love of the male, pushing his legs in between Kakashi's to be closer then he already was; if that was even possible.

"I was watching because today just so happens to be a very special day, Naruto. Today is the day you were born 22 years ago, and 4 years ago on this day we started dating. So I think I have every reason to be staring at my beautiful blonde, blue eyed boyfriend." Kakashi said as he kissed Naruto on his lips, soft and not long. Naruto smiled as he pulled away from his boyfriend, and stretched his arms. His eyes wandered the room, most likely looking for any gifts Kakashi could have gotten him.

"Wait, that was today?" Naruto joked, Kakashi sending him a playful glare " Wow I must really be getting old if I can't remember. So, did you get me anything for my birthday, or our anniversary? It's okay if you didn't, but then again it's not okay." Naruto said. Kakashi chuckled as Naruto was the same old confusing, bipolar and weird blonde he came to knew and love.

"Well I will go get your first present from the kitchen, so until then just sit tight and don't move." Kakashi ordered as he got out of bed, and left for the kitchen. Naruto smiled as he thought of how Kakashi had said it was his first gift he would be getting, meaning there was bound to be more. Then again Kakashi was known to go big for when it really mattered, especially if it was for the one he loved. Soon Kakashi walked through the door, a tray of food in his hands.

"Kakashi! Is all of that for me?" Naruto asked as Kakashi walked over and sat the tray of food beside him on the bed. The silver haired male nodded his head, and watched with happiness as the blonde's eyes lit up. Of course the only time that happened was either when he was looking at Kakashi half naked or when staring at ramen or any type of food for that matter.

"You love food a lot, maybe even more then me, so I decided to cook a birthday breakfast. You were taking such a long time to wake up I was afraid the food would get cold." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at the different foods, some not even being for breakfast. There was chocolate pancakes, a fruit salad, brownies, a cup of ramen, a slice of cake with a candle, and a glass of root beer. It seemed like it would be a breakfast f a kid would make when their parents weren't home.

"Thank you baby. But you know I love you more then I love food unless you mess with my food, then we have a problem" Naruto looked over the tray once again" This is everything I love for breakfast, or any meal. I guess you really do listen to me and pay more attention to me then that stupid pervy book Jiraiya got you" Naruto laughed as he picked up the brownie, and shoved it into his mouth. Kakashi sweat dropped at the mention of his book.

"For one, it is not pervy, and you shouldn't shovle food in your mouth Naruto. You might choke and trust that i won't save you for being a dumbass. Because if you die, that leaves more food for me" Kakashi joked. Naruto playfully slapped his boyfriend on the arm for saying that. He hoped that if he were to choke Kakashi would actually save him.

"Shut up Baka! I, Naruto Uzumaki, will not choke on something like a brownie. And I won't die that easily either." Naruto said as he began to eat the rest of his breakfast. Kakashi watched as Naruto practically inhaled his food, and chugged the root beer. Never had he seen someone eat like the way Naruto did, thankfully. When the blonde got to the caked he pullec out the candle, but weirdly enoguh there was a string attached going into the cake.

"What's this? Please tell me you didn't leave or add something weird into this...Kakashi!" Naruto screamed as, when he finally pulled out the candle, a ring was attatched to the string. Kakashi smiled as the blonde couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence as he tried to process what was in his hand. Kakashi grabbed the ring from Naruto, and looked into his blue eyes.

"On this glorious day about 22 years ago this beautiful baby was born named Naruto Uzumaki-Namizake. Around the age of 18 this beautiful man named Naruto became my boyfriend, whom I loved very much. 4 years later he turned 22, sat in a bedroom with his boyfriend, and the boyfriend asked 'Will you Marry Me?'" Kakashi said. Naruto teared up as he stared at Kakashi in disbelief, the ring shining in Kakashi's hand.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you Baka" Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around Kakashi and pulled him into a hug. Kakashi smiled as he wrapped his arms around his blonde, pulling back a bit so he could kiss him. They finally pulled away so Kakashi could slip the ring onto Naruto's ring finger, on his left hand.

"I say that you should take my name and become Naruto Hatake, since we all know you're bottom. You get the girls as your bridesmaids, and I get the man as my groomsmen. Okay?" Kakashi joked. Naruto nodded his head as he laughed, his eyes focused on the beautiful diamond resting on his finger. It was absolutely beautiful in every way, just like his boyfriend Kakashi Hatake.

A little birthday one-shot since it's Naruto's birthday. Thank you to my readers, voters, and those who comment. This book has reached over 2k reads with over 200 votes! I also want to thank everyone who read my other kakanaru one-shot book (The 1st one) as that book has over 11k reads and over 800 votes! Please do check out my other works as they are all (mostly) kakanaru. This one-shot is dedicated to AnimeUzumaki7 as she did a Naruto birthday One-Shot (as well as one for Kakashi) which is titled I'll Carry You so go check it out. Well bye everyone.


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