im beyond speachless

30 2 1

watch the girl l'm so deeply in
love with, go and love someone
else? l don't want him kissing
her where l used to. l don't
want his linger tips tracing her
back up and down like mine
did. I don't want him near to her
mirror, doing her makeup for
work and realize the things I
realized while looking at her,
"God knew what he was doing
when he created this one. This
girl is put together so
beautifully it's ridiculous The
way she crinklos her nose..
Man lhal's adorable" dnt want go on dates with😨like how i did
her and never fail to witness
her spill her water all over the
lable bc she's so god damn
clumsy don't want anyone lo
know her (he way l do, That's

o my girl. Thal's my person. This
is the worst thing ever..
Firstofall i dnt want u to go out frm meh😭😭
Stay wid me babee😘😘

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