Til I Forget About You

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"Jacob would you lighten up a bit and actually start enjoying your celebratory dinner" Jacob's good friend, Baby Ariel, said as she reached across the table to hold his hand.

Jacob sighs and puts his phone back in his pocket. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Forget about Alexis, hun. If he really cared, then he'd be here with you, celebrating your first big gig."

"I can't help it. He hasn't answered any of my texts or calls, and I'm almost positive he isn't busy today other than going to visit mom." Jacob slouches in his seat while Ariel smiles sadly.

"I know honey, I know. Maybe he's planning a big surprise for you, or he's out getting you a congratulations gift, or-" Ariel suddenly stopped talking and looked behind Jacob, her eyes widening in both shock and anger.

Jacob, being as clueless as he is, doesnt turn around and continues looking at her with a confused look. "ooooor........?"

"Or he's cheating on you with someone, who DEFINITELY isnt his mom, on your big day," Ariel says, still glaring at him.

Finally, he turns around and sees Alexis with some guy with bangs and a Minecraft hoodie.

Jacob would be lying if he said his heart didn't break into millions of pieces at the sight in front of him. What made it worse was the fact he had the nerve to bring him to the same place they first met.

"Forget about it, lets go Jacob," Ariel said, but he didn't turn to her. His eyes stayed fixed on them.

How could he do this to him? How long HAS he been doing this to him? From how romantic they were acting, it must be a long time.


He finally turns around to face Ariel, whose face confirms he wasn't the only one pissed.

"Give me your phone," he says, letting out his hand.

Now her face showed confusion. Nonetheless, she gave him her phone and he started dialing.

Jacob kept staring at Alexis while the phone rings. Surprisingly, he answers.

"Hey Ariel," he says, sounding confused. "I thought you and Jacob were out celebrating."

"It's Jacob," he said, still staring. "How come you haven't been answering my texts or calls?"

"Oh, Jacob, heyyyyyy." You could almost see the discomfort and worry just from his voice. "Sorry, I, uh, had my phone turned off."

"Then how come you answered Ariel's phone?" He started walking towards their table while Ariel followed.

"Uhhh, okay you got me" he nervously laughed while his date just scrolled through his phone, oblivious as to what was happening. "I was planning you a surprise to celebrate. Sorry I had to keep it from you."

"Aw, how cute," Jacob faked, finally behind his table. "Almost as cute as that guy you're with's bangs."

That's when both boys looked up to see Ariel and Jacob standing over them.

"Jacob Sartorious," the guy said in awestruck.

"Jacob shi-" Alexis started, but Ariel cut him off.

"Dont even start, boy" she said threateningly.

"How could yo do this to me," Jacob said, still on the phone. "Especially at the place we first met?"

"You know Jacob Sartorious" the guy asked, still shook. "Im Nicky by the way, in case you were just wondering."

"Jacob please, let me explain" Alexis begged, ignoring Nicky.

"No Alexis, I'm done" Jacob said, fighting back tears. "We're through. It's over."

He finally hung up, gives Ariel back her phone, and walks out of the restaurant, Baby Ariel following close behind.

* * *
"Can you stop moping around about you and Alexis" Ariel said, barging into Jacob's room, her hair dripping wet from the shower.

"Can you stop telling me that every day when you come over" Jacob said, voice muffled by his pillow.

Jacob hasn't left his room except to use the bathroom. Ariel has been keeping him alive by bringing food, drinks, and sad movies. Also by constantly reminding him that Alexis didn't deserve him, he was an asshole for cheating on him, etc etc.

"No, okay I'm done. You are not about to stay here moping when today is your big day." Ariel yanked Jacob out of bed and forced him to sit up. "You need to go out, have fun, sing a fûcking good show, and have an overall good time, and if you don't then I'm gonna force you to dance on that stage until you forget about him."

Finally, Jacob smiled. "You're right, but I don't think I can forget about him."

Ariel threw a shirt and pair of jeans onto the bed and turned towards him. "Trust me, I'll make sure of it."

* * *

They had finally made it to the venue and were welcomed by the smell of unalcoholic and puberty the moment they walked in.

"I don't know if I can do this" Jacob said, following Baby Ariel through the crowd.

"Relax, just get a drink and sit down until you get up there" Ariel said, looking around. "I'll go look for your manager, you stay at the bar."

She immediately ran off, leaving Jacob alone with a bunch of 13-16 year olds. He sighs and sits down at the bar, his mind completely engulfed with thoughts about Alexis and his mistress, Nicky.

"Can I get you anything?"

Jacob looked up and was greeted by the bar tender. He had jet blacked hair, black nerd glasses, and the smell of a man with weak memes.

"Uh, just water would be fine" he said.

The bar tender nodded and quickly left to get his drink. He then returned with a water and an iced tea.

"I figured you needed a bit more flavor to your drink" he said, smiling a bit.

Jacob smiled and took a sip of his water.

"I should probably introduce myself," the tender said. "My name's Wilfredo, Wil or Willy for short."

"Do your friends call you Dick" Jacob joked.

"Yeah actually."

Jacob laughed, which was something he hasn't done in awhile.

Dick smiled at that, happy he made him laugh. "And I'm assuming you're the famous Jacob Sartorius?"

"Well I wouldn't say 'famous''."

"I would. Look at all the people who came to see you."

As Jacob looked around at all the people, he couldn't stop and think that Alexis should've been one of them. He sighs and looks at his drink. "Yeah, sure is a lot."

Dick looked at him, concerned. "Did someone break your heart or something?"

"Something like that."

Dick gently grabbed his chin and made him like up. "Listen, I don't know who this guy is, or how he could even think about breaking you, but I want to tell you that he really doesn't know what he's missing out on, and he's an idiot for leaving you."

Jacob blushed and laughed. "Thanks, really needed that."

Dick smiled and looked behind him to see Ariel coming back. "And hey, if you need someone to maybe hang out with after the show, then-"

"You'll be by the backstage exit" Jacob asked, scared that he sounded too eager.

Dick only laughed and nodded, "Definitely."

"Jacob, come on you're on in 5" Ariel said, pulling Jacob away from Dick.

But he wasn't mad, because he was about to forget about Alexis.....

--------> I'm tired and I just wanted to get this one over with. The next one will be better I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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