If only in my dreams...

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Kristine woke the next morning to a brightly lit room with unfamiliar décor and two smiling faces that were even more unfamiliar. She sat up in the queen sixed bed and lifted the downy comforter to her chin, staring at the two young girls at an angle that bespoke her discomfort. The girls' grins expanded from ear to ear, a brief look of playful suspicion passing between the two of them.

"My name  is Erica and this is my sister, Audrey," the eldest girl with long blonde curls said, indicating with her hand. "Who are you?"

Kristine tried to smile. Children were kind of her thing, but to wake up to two of them staring at her was a bit disconcerting. "My name is Kristine."

"You came home with my dad last night," Audrey stated with an impish gleam in her green eyes. The young girl was female version of her father.

"Yes, I guess I did. He offered me a place to stay until a hotel room could be found," she explained, not missing the distrust that flitted across the older girl's features. "I am a consultant for Kerril's and did not take the holiday into consideration when I arrived in the city."

"My sister said you were a prostitute," Audrey divulged, much to her sister's horror.

"You little liar!" Erica hollered, pushing her sister away. The flush that brightened her face like Rudolph's nose was evidence enough that the youngest spoke the truth. "I said that we were going to prosecute."

"What is that suppose to mean? Do you even know what that word means?" Audrey asked, relishing her sister's distress. "I recorded you. I can let you hear it if you want to, Ms. Kristine!"

Erica's face embarrassment burst into full fury. "You little brat! Why did dad ever buy you that stupid recorder? Give it to me!"

"I don't have it!" she yelled, hopping on the bed and hiding behind Kristine. "And I will never tell you where it is either. Wait until I show dad!"

"Dad is right here and none too pleased to hear arguing siblings in our guest's room." Nick slid through the crack in the door and pinned both of his daughter's with a disapproving glare. "I think you owe the lady an apology."

"But dad!" both girls shouted in unison.

He put up a hand the parental hand of silence. "Mom and dad will be here in ten minutes to take you both shopping. You know how your grandmother hates to be late for a sale."

Erica and Audrey scurried from the room in a panic, apparently more afraid of incurring their grandmother's wrath than anything their father could say. Nick laughed as he dodged out of their way as they darted from the room without so much as a farewell. Kristine thought it all very adorable.

"Your little Audrey looks just like you," said Kristine when they were alone. "Erica, I assume, looks like her mother?"

Nick nodded, a sadness flitting across his features. "I have some coffee on downstairs if you would care for some. Do you like pancakes?"

"With blueberries?" She relaxed her grip on her covers, excited about filling her grumbling stomach. She hadn't eaten anything since landing in New York City.

"If that is what the lady wishes." He was watching her warily, the war of emotions still battling behind his green eyes.  He wanted her there, she could tell by his offer of hospitality. He just didn't know why he wanted her there. Kristine kept her features relaxed an pleasant. She would only add insult to injury if she allowed her sympathies to shed light. He snapped himself out of whatever thought process had consumed him for the last several seconds. "There is a shower across the hall and clean towels on the shelf. I will have breakfast ready in thirty minutes. Will that be enough time for you to get ready?"

Kristine tilted her head with inquiry. "Are you going somewhere?"

"We are going to run a few errands, if you are not against it." When she shook her head from side to side to confirm that she was not at all against it he continued. "While my parents are keeping the girls busy, I have something that I could use your help in."

She grinned. There was nothing like a covert operation to diminish any awkwardness. "Thirty minutes is plenty of time."

He grinned back, the war within at bay for the time being. He nodded and ducked out of the room. Kristine jumped from bed and dug through her many suitcases to pull out what she would need. It was a good thing Pax had been proactive in reserving her a rental car, otherwise she would more than likely not have gotten one. And then where would she have been? Stranded in an airport with six bags of luggage and nothing to put them in or get around in? She was sure Mr. Kerril would have sent a car for her, but that would have limited her ability to move around and she needed the mobility.

After taking fifteen minutes to decide on an outfit, she rushed across the hall to take a quick shower  and get ready for the day. As she let the hot water soak her from head to toe, she thought back to the evening before. To the kiss. She had relived it many times over in her dreams as she slumbered, and had awoken several times with her heart racing and her body aching.

She had a mission to complete and a village to save. She had to save the world from another dark age of disbelief, of thinking there was nothing left to hope for. She pushed the memory aside and refocused her priorities. Her heart heavy with disappointment, she finished her toiletries and skipped down the stairs to bring belief in the impossible back into the life of a man that could inspire an entire city to believe.  

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