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The flicker of flames dance to celebrate the new moon . This was their history , the time of their power . There will be no stopping them tonight.

Julian their leader had decided that the time of power was now. No one dared to defy him expect his sister, Aislynn , for she knew that they were not ready but he refused to listen to anything she said. Rebutting that they should be the ones to harvest the power of the moon.

Aislynn decided to take the crooked path to stop her brother and altered the spell a little . So while they may have powers there is a cost , a piece of their soul in return until their humanity is gone.

But unfortunately, an event that even she didn't foresee happened. While altering the spell she accidentally added vervain . This made a loophole thorough the spell . While they will become soulless , there will be hope for them. Someone can redeemed their soul if they see them worthy in their eyes.

Julian was the first to go for he so hungry for power that the chances of him having it was worth losing his soul. Then one by one they slowly followed their leader until they were all known as VAMPIRES.

The first time I heard this story I was 6 . I was afraid to sleep because I thought that the vampires would get me but a week after I started to get nightmares my father told me that the stories aren't real that it was just a fairytale.I told grandma what dad said and she replied that not everyone believes but one day they will. After that day I never heard about vampires again.

Today is the 25 August her death anniversary. It's been 5 years since she died and 20 after she told me about the vampires. Out of every story she has told me this is the one  I remembered and on this particular day. I would say it's coincidence but my grandmother would disagree because she says there is never a coincidence in life if something was meant to happen then it will happen regardless of what you say.

Chills ran up my spine I glanced around feeling as if someone was watching me but I saw no one. As I was walking out the cemetery I felt someone grabbed my hands and covered my mouth. I kicked their foot breaking their knee and probably spraining my ankle . A glint of sliver caused me to regret my action because in a couple of seconds the blade would be in me . I felt my attacker being pull away from me and the smelt blood. Turning my head slowly I saw blood all over the ground . The last thing I saw was something coming towards me covered in blood . My last thought was that maybe, just maybe vampires are real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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