Chapter 32

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" you are the light in my Darkness"


Theo Pov- I wake up hearing someone calling me. "Mr. James you are being released." When I finally awake. I find a woman dressed in a uniform. "Am I in jail? " There in the corner of the hall stands an angered Shailene. "The Man in that you have wrongly attacked is in the Hospital recovering from injuries, so we do not know if he will press charges at this time." The Woman says. "Any questions? " she asks. "No thank you officer." Shailene says. As we walk out Shailene walks ahead ignoring me. I catch up grabbing her arm."Shailene listen." "What the hell was that Theo?" She questions tears lit up in her eyes. As we start on our way back. She shakes her head. "How...why did you do this." She manages to say. "I have a good reason." "What reason Theo what?" She yells out. "You attacked an innocent man." She continues. "He's not innocent! " I reply. "Really how so you attacked him for no good reason." "You know why I attacked him because I love You Shailene!" I bellow out she get's quiet and continues driving. From the corner of my eye I see her crying. We finally pull over for the night and park at a hotel. Since it was closed we are sleeping in the car. She takes off her seatbelt and leans the seat back and cracks the window just enough. I do the same. Eventually we both fall asleep. But I do recall getting up and finding her crying. I reach over and gently touch her shoulder. She looks over at me and lightly touches my swollen cut lip. And she kisses it. She lays her head on my chest and starts closing her eyes. I grab her hand and squeeze tightly. And as I dose off I think I felt her squeeze back.

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