One Month Before

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One Month Before

It's friday and my brother Michael isn't here. I have been waiting for a whole half hour and I will not wait any longer. I looked around for his car one more time and then began walking home. Once I turned away from the small town and the local school I started walking down our quiet street. I walked on the side of the road and stared at where the trees meet in the sky. It is a beautiful archway of light green and beautiful golden light. We live in a two story farm house about fifteen minutes away from the smallest town in history so I don't have to worry about being abducted or disturbed. I can enjoy my own company and just breath. I guess that is the perk of living in a small town.

I'd been walking for about ten minutes when I heard a twig snap behind me. I twirled around and stood about eight feet away from a guy about my age in a snow white suit. He has light blonde hair and earthy green eyes. The way he smirked at me sent a shiver down my spine and uneasiness spread like wildfire through my stomach.

"Alex I presume you are doing well?" The strange man asked. My heart sank with fear and my eyes widened.

"I'm pretty sure this is a cliché thing to say, but how in the hell do you know my name?" I questioned with annoyed urgency.

"Your right my dear I have heard that one quite a lot," white suit answered.

"I'm sure you have Mr. 'I'm a Badass wearing a suit,'" I scoffed at him.

"Such a waste of power. A seventeen year old child with an attitude. I assume you don't even know the tremendous gifts you hold within, correct?" the stranger asked with disgust.

With that I slowly began backing up, preparing myself to run in necessary. This guy knows my name, he was most likely following me home and now I think he is plain crazy. It's like this dude popped straight out of Twilight and he is about to tell me that vampires are real.

"Oh Alex dear. This will go much easier for you if you just come with me. You don't want to get hurt now do you?" He began to laugh. "I suppose you don't know the half of what I am capable of. If you come willingly it would save you the pain of trying to run from me."

With that I shot straight for my house and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. For all I know, this guy escaped a mental hospital and needs his meds.

"Even if you do escape my dear, I will not stop hunting you. I will find you and drag you with me," he yelled surprisingly confident at me.

"That would be kidnapping!" I screamed back at him.

I turned around to see if he has moved and he had completely disappeared. I turned back to the road in front of me and ran into a white suit. I stumbled back and tried not to fall down. My right arm throbbed from where it got pinned between me and this white suit psycho.

"Shit." I mumbled as I starred up at the menacing looking figure.

He just smirked and starred down at me. I stood firmly on the ground, fists clenched while I went over the plain of attack in my head. I would knee him where it hurts, poke his eyes out, scream bloody murder in his ear and run the heck away while he is blind, deaf and holding his groin.

White Suit stepped forward and I took my opportunity, kneeing him in the groin as hard as I could. His smirk turned into a deep, wrinkling causing a frown but he didn't make a sound or move a muscle. He simply stepped forward bringing his hard torso closer to my body.

I pushed back as hard as I could but he didn't even flinch. It was like trying to move a brick wall. I punched him in the jaw with everything I have in me but I ended up cracking my knuckles and possibly breaking my pinky finger. I stepped back and held my injured right hand, while he continued to stand there while staring at me.

"Are you made of rock or something!" I screamed at him.
He gave me a spine tingling smile and stepped forward.

"You couldn't even begin to imagine the power I hold with in. In your state of mind you are no match. I suggest you come with me know and spare any further humiliation," he stated plainly.

I quickly smashed my shoulder into his chest and attempted at hopefully knocking him on the ground at least. He sighed and grabbed my shoulders. He jabbed his knee into my gut and spun me around while I coughed and sputtered in his grasp.

He lowered his head and his lips hovered an inch above my ear.

"Looks like your coming with me, my dear," he whispered into my ear in a hard gravelly voice.

I shuddered and elbowed him in the in nose. Finally he felt pain and let go of me. I jumped away from him shakily and ran around him, pushing myself to not look back.

I hadn't got but a foot away before I felt his presence right on my back. I ran until he pushed me with all of his might and I smashed into the rocky old road. I rolled onto my stomach and tried to push myself up, but my arms burned and my hand were cut and bleeding.

"I didn't want to do that, but you have me no choice. You are a hard headed little thing aren't you," he disapprovingly stated.

With that I jumped up and faced him.

"Why me? Why am I so damn important? More importantly what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, with as much venom in my voice as I could manage.

Before he answered a figure appeared behind him. He had loose brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He stood tall and confident, and he was amazingly beautiful. He clearly had muscle underneath his shirt like white suit guy, but there was something different about him that I couldn't quite figure out. While white suit guy looked menacing and ready to kill, he looked protective and ready to kill. I'm just not sure what he is trying to protect.

The nearly indestructible white suit guy stepped closer, drawing my attention back to him.

"I would begin to tell you all of the ways you are special, but alas my dear, you are not. You are just some girl who was incredibly lucky. There is nothing special about you. You have power but you don't know the first thing about using it. Is there anything special about that? I think not," he said stepping closer with each sentence.

I clenched my fists ready for him to hit me or grab me but before he got close enough he fell to his knees, screaming out in pain. I jumped back from him and looked up to see the blue eyed boy standing behind him.

My mouth fell open and I stared at him. How in the hell does this guy get him to fall to his knees with pain, but when I kick him in the crotch he just stands there?

With one swift movement the guy in the white suit is up and moving quickly to me. I turn and start to run but he is in front of me within seconds. Luckily I am able to stop myself before I run into him again.

"How the hell do you keep doing that!" I scream at him completely frustrated.

Every attempt at running away or hurting him doesn't work. How in the heck am I supposed to get away from this psycho freak?

"You can try to stop me Derek, but I will be taking her with me," the white suit man says looking at me, but clearly talking about the boy with the beautiful blue eyes.

Since I have no better option and I trust this Derek person more than the psychopath in front of me. I begin slowly backing up where I know the blue eyed boy is.
"Aw, look how cute. You think he is going to save you," he scoffed looking me in the eyes.

I kept my eyes on him but didn't answer. After a few more steps Derek grabbed my arm and swiveled me protectively behind him.

“Tsk-tsk, my dear. You are just going to get Derek hurt," he called out to me.

"Don't be silly Amon. I could take you down with one hand behind my back!" Derek yelled back.

"Then why don't you?" Amon asked.

"Well I wouldn't want to upset Alex. I will be sure to take care of your raggedy butt later," Derek answered.

"Well how the hell do you know my name?" I asked Derek growing increasingly impatient with this whole confrontation.

I'm clearly not special as Amon said and I have no clue what sort of messed up powers he's talking about but I don't have them.

Before Derek got a chance to answer, Amon lurched forward and began beating on Derek. Before Amon had the chance to get another punch in Derek sprung into action hitting him furiously.

Amon threw him off and held his hands up.

"I will not take her today, but I will be back Derek. I always get what I want," Amon said giving Derek a sly smirk and winking back at me.

He disappeared into thin air and I gasped.

"What in the heck is going on?" I asked, my eyes still locked on where Amon was standing just seconds ago.

Derek slowly stepped forward and I directed my gaze on him.
"This isn't right. You should figure this out on your own," Derek said to me in a low and sad tone.

He stepped closer and I looked into his amazing blue eyes.

"You will forget about everything that happened. You will forget me and you will forget Amon. You were walking home from school and you fell getting cuts on your hands and scraps on your knees and elbows. Stay safe Alex and I will be in touch," Derek said before disappearing into thin air himself.

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