Monsters and Knights

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Alex ran, the words of the people chasing behind him echoed through the street. His red converse sneakers pounded on the black pavement, his blue cape like sweatshirt hood flopping behind him. Fag. Dumbass. Fuck face. The words of his tormentors pounding loudly in his ears. He felt a tug on his shirt spinning him around to face the monsters he was running from. 

Three figures stood the tallest, Brody Jackson, his green eyes blazed angrily at Alex's indigo ones. His blond hair was swept to one side, a nasty grin on his face. The two others shorter than Brody by just centimeters too grinned evilly. One had a black eye givin to him by none other than Alex himself, the other clutching and un-clutching his fist. They all glared at him evilly. 

Brody's cronies held Alex up of the ground, Alex snarled in pain as Brody punched his face and kneed him over and over again. He was dropped to the ground pain flooding all his senses, he sat on the ground on all fours. His tormentors laughing as they stalked away. He coughed blood splattered the pavement below him. He whipped his mouth on his no longer blue sweatshirt. He stood up shaking and started the short trek home.

He stood in the doorway, his brown haired sister ran forward and supported him up the stairs of the house and into his room. Grace helped him into bed and disappeared back down stairs. Alex glanced around the familiar room, the band posters and drawings littered the walls and floors, books lay carelessly spread out on the floor. The smell of tea filled his nose, as Grace reappeared in the doorway carrying a tea cup for Alex in one hand and one for herself in the other. She walked over to the bed and set the tea on the stand next to the bed. She sat at the end of the bed, careful not to sit on his legs.

"Alex, how the hell do you keep getting in these situations?," she asked in a soothing voice. Her purple eyes danced over his bruising body. She moved his red/brown hair out of the way and handed him the tea. "Drink up" she ordered him. Alex raised the cup to his lips, and drank the warm liquid, I flowed down his parched throat. He hummed softly "thank you, Grace" he murmured softly before taking another sip. Bzzzz bzzzz .... Bzzzz bzzzz the ring of the phone bekoned his sister down stairs. He glanced out the window looking to the willow tree. Birds and squirrels moved from limb to limb going on like nothing could bother them other than a lose dog. He closed his eyes trying to listen into the conversation below him. 

Tap tap tap, Alex's indigo eyes flew open, he glanced around wildly. His eyes landed on a familiar face sitting on a branch close to the window. The males dirty blonde hair cascaded around his head, his blue eyes light up like a flashlight, he beamed at Alex and waved. Henry, that was his name, he lived four houses down and had been Alex's friend since he moved here back in second grade. Alex sat up in pain and moved to the window opening it up. Henry crawled inside, he pulled Alex into a hug careful not to hurt him.

"What the hell did you do this time?" Henry said laughing as he pulled away from the hug. Alex beamed a small smile and shrugged. He sat down onto his bed. "Not exactly sure, I mean all I did was punch Grayson Brown in the face when they where calling me a faggot and saying I couldn't fight." Alex said in a joking tone as he pulled his friend down to sit next to him. Henry ran his fingers through Alex's hair. "Well I guess you're tougher than they thought" Henry said glancing out the window nervously. Alex took the tea cup that sat on the table beside him and took a sip. He held it out to Henry, who took it and  sipped it quickly, he handed the now empty cup back to Alex.

"Sorry Alex" he said looking down to the ground. Alex sighed setting the cup back on the table and leaned back and onto the mattress. Henry flopped down beside him and smiled. Alex wove his fingers with Henry's clutching his hand as the two lay on the bed, hand in hand. The blue eyed male started to say something but stopped himself and starred at the chiped ceiling. Henry took his hand away and started out the window his grey jacket whipped around as he turned to face Alex. His face flushed some as he half whispered the words.

"I love you Alex." He waved, not hearing Alex's answer, and started down the lane and to his house.

Alex blushed a deep scarlet as his friend hoped out the window. "I love you too Henry" he said knowing the other hadn't heard him. He starred of the posters losing himself slowly as he slipped into sleep knowing he was safe. He was home, and he was safe... At least until tomorrow.

A/N hello everyone please comment on how you liked the first chapter. Yay for another book I must devote some of my life too. But seriously love this story already. Your bi author-Glassy

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