Chapter Nine: 2nd Victim

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After the fight, Dean and Sam sit in on the stairs to take a breather.

"Well, I guess we did it Dean." Sam says.

Dean gets up and leans down to check on his car, and turns his head towards him.

"If you wrecked my car, I'll kill you!" Dean said with a laugh. Sam laughed and got into the car with Dean.

A couple minutes later Dean and Sam drive away from the Welch house.

"I figure the numbers in Dad's journal are coordinates for latitude and longitude and that indicates Blackwater Ridge, Colorado. That's 600 miles away. I can't go with you for that, that's too far away," says Sam.

"You need to call off that interview to help find Dad!" says Dean.

"Dean, no, I'm not going to call off the interview and ditch Jessica like that!" Sam said angrily to Dean.

"Whatever I will take you back, but we make a pretty good hell of a team, "said Dean with disappointment. Then Dean looked at the road the rest of the time.

They arrive at Sam's and Jessica's apartment and Sam gets out and says goodbye to his brother. Sam goes inside the apartment and sees a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table with a note saying, 'Missed you! Love you!' Sam smiles and heads to the bedroom where he hears the shower running. He lies down on the bed and then he closes his eyes. All of the sudden, drops of blood fall onto his head. Sam looks up and sees Jessica pinned to the ceiling with blood across her stomach. As he stares at Jessica in horror, Jessica's body bursts into flames. Dean rushes into the room and grabs Sam right before the flames were everywhere in the apartment. Later, firemen spray down the apartment and they wheel out they the remains of Jessica's body. Sam is at the Impala organizing the weapons in the trunk.

Dean comes over and Sam tells him," We got work to do." And then slams the trunk shut.

The End


So, this is the end to THIS EPISODE! WE STILL HAVE LOTS MORE EPISODES TO DO. So Jessica dies the same way their Mom did, it sucks! I have a video for it and pictures. I will do an extra chapter to put the funny moments in Episode 1: Pilot!






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