Chapter 13

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Marcel's POV

Schools let out for a months winter break. My mother is going to her sisters in Europe so I have nowhere to go. She said she could pay for my plane ticket but I told her I probably need time alone anyways. So I'll stay here in the dorms. Barely anyone does but that might be nice.


Today is Monday, the first official day of break. When I wake up I flip on the radio while my coffee brews. I flip through the channels quickly.

"Morning remaining students-" I pass. Wait. I flip back to that channel.

"We're expecting snow here on campus this afternoon. How many of you are there left this year? Do you plan on leaving for the holidays or are you to stay? I myself am staying. Last year there were only three students left in the dorms. If you plan on being here head on down to dorm 235 tonight I'm throwing a losers party. I need some coffee, I'll be back lameos" The transmission then flips off. It must be a student-run radio station. How interesting. Maybe I should go to the party tonight. The thought makes me laugh into the empty room.

I pour my coffee and sit on the couch watching out the small window. My mind sparks an idea. I grab my coffee carefully and open up the window. The cold air shocks my lungs at first. I squeeze out of the small space and onto the fire escape stairway. I dangle my legs between the cold metal bars and watch the campus awake from its layer of frost. The cold air feels sensational in my lungs.

She said it was a party for losers, didn't she? Maybe I should go. I feel so uncertain but I can't spend the whole month alone. It's decided, I'm going.

(Later that night)

The door to dorm 235 is slightly open when I walk up. I rap slightly on the door before an ecstatic girl opens the door.

"Hi!!" she says excitedly. She shoves a drink in my hand and backs up to let me into the room. I walk in and scan the room. Music is playing and there's a couple sitting on the bed hand in hand. The room is lighten with candles. It's not even romantic it's just dim. There's a keg next to the couch that I go to sit on. This party really is for losers, it's lame. The girl who answered the door plops down next to me on the couch. I sip the beer in my hand.

"What's your name? I'm Sarah. I haven't seen you around here before." She says happily and drinks more out of her cup.

"I'm Marcel, you can call me Cel." I say giving her a small smile.

"Give it up for Cel everybody!" she shouts louder than the music. Her and the couple 'woo' and raise their glasses up. I quirk my eyebrows up at them.

"So are you the one who runs that radio station?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah! You like it? The school doesn't like me doing it but they can't really stop it." She says practically jumping up and down. I nod.

Over the next hour we make small chitchat. It's the usual get to know you stuff but not too personal. We talk with the couple for awhile to and I find out that they're all friends and I get to hear about 'JuST the most adorable thing anyone's about ever done' on their anniversary. The girls name is Kim and the guys name is Colin. But eventually they left the party because they were getting heated under the blankets on the bed.

"Put on some music." Sarah says throwing me her iPhone that's connected to Bluetooth speakers. I put on the Pandora station for The Neighbourhood.

We talked for awhile longer and then she broke out the vodka. And that loosened everything and also made everything more funny so we had a better time.

"Can I smoke in here?" I say and she starts cracking up and were both drunk and when she starts cracking up ridiculously so do I. She takes a few deep breaths and nods.

"Only if you light me one too." And I do. I watch her smoke it carefully and I start to notice the things about her. She's gotten wavy brown hair that flows almost to her waist. She has hazel eyes and I bet they change colors often. She's wearing bulky combat boots, an oversized sweater and some dark leggings. She's really pretty when you look at her. But I'm gay and I don't feel attracted to her.

Her shoes are what I keep looking at. She catches me looking.

"People say it's grunge." She grins and I crack into a wide smile.

"People say I'm gay, and that's true too." I say and she bursts out laughing. I swear I've never seen someone laugh harder. She just keeps laughing and she's doubled over with the still lit cigarette hanging from her fingers.

"I'm a lesbian." She gets out between convulses of laughter. And I have no idea why it's so goddamn funny to her but I'm laughing too. And she starts sinking to the floor and I sink down next to her. She takes an uneeded drink from the vodka and passes it to me. I do the same. We finally stop laughing and stop talking and we both stare at the ceiling. Doing something like this feels much better when you're not alone. I think we're almost back to normal beings and maybe we've sobered up a little when she speaks again.

"Ass butter." She whispers.

We both break back up into laughter. It's the laughing where no noise comes out and it kind of hurts because you can't breath but at the same time it feels good. New feeling is spreading through my bones as we sit there and laugh our drunk asses off. A feeling I don't understand yet.

I think this is the kind of story I'll tell my kids when they're older. I'll tell them about the winter break I stayed alone and how I met my best friend. Neither of us said we were best friends now, but I think that's just kind of something you feel in the air.

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