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Ryden POV


He stood in all of his glory in silence awaiting my answer. In my mind I don't understand why he would want myself as his mate. I am an unheard of thing. I love my feline but we are not a wolf, nor are we a female. I would make a terrible Luna. I am not able to do the main thing that Luna's do. Produce heir's.

Damon has started to fidget due to how long I have taken with my response to his previous question. I feel a tug in my chest and look up to see his eyes flash to his Alpha Wolf. He is unaware of my internal battle and probably thinks I will reject him.

"Ryden?" He is calling out to me almost pleadingly which suprises me. He must care if he wants me to accept being his Luna. His eyes confirm my suspiscions.

"Why?" I ask again wanting to hear his answer aloud instead on him broadcasting his feelings through his eyes. Now his eyes hold determination, for what- that I do not know. Yet.

"Ryden you are my mate, my other half. You complete me in every way. You are mine, as I am yours. We are meant to be together for the rest of our lives. Then in the afterlife- we are meant for eternity. You are destined Luna. My wolf a has been screaming, begging for me to mark you as ours because you are mine." I could see the honesty in his eyes.

"How could you want me so much? We have just met. I am pretty sure that today was the first time you have even heard my name. You do not know me." I point out thinking that I have gotten over on him at least once.

"I do not know you, true. Yet, at the same time I feel as though I have known you my entire life. Let me get to know you to your satisfaction. I will do whatever it takes as long as in the end you are at my side for eternity." He pleaded. His eyes shone with honesty and hope. Eyes that I already feel safe underneath.

I understand what he is talking about. The familiarity and comfort he brings feels as though it was always there. I can feel heat rolling off of his body making my own warm. I haven't got to touch his skin, but if I did, I undoubtably belive I would feel sparks ignite upon contact.

My heart sped up once I relized I wanted a relationship with him.

"How about a date? Would that help with your decision?" He questioned when I hesitated to answer.

A date? My mate wasn't going to reject me? I had never been asked out on a date before. Instead of replying verbally I chose the safe route of nodding my head.

His smile could probably burn the sun with all of the excitment rolling off of him. He looked at me and said, "How is saturday at six sound?"

"Sounds great." I hummed in reply.

He nodded his head with the smile still on his face. Before he left he moved closer toward me and his rough yet soft lips met my cheek in a brief goodbye.

*               *               *              *

When Laken had returned to his bedroom to find me on his bed gazing toward the ceiling with butterflies swarming in the pits of my stomach, he imediatly shot curious questions in my direction.

"So, how did it go?" Lake was know for getting strait to the point.

I began telling the story of my first converstion with my mate to my best friend. When I got to the part where Damon asked me out on a date he imediatly asked if I had said yes. My reply was an awkard 'yea'.

"When is this date?" Laken interrogated with a child-like enthusiasm in his voice.

"It's Saturday at six. You have to help me get ready! I have no idea what to wear!" I whisper-shouted in exasperation.

"Chilax, bro. I got you covered." Laken got a mischevious gleam in his eye as he spoke.

My heartbeat calmed at his notion. Then it sped up again when I relized that today was Thursday! I only had two days to mentally prepare myself for my first date. Oh Boy.

(a/n: sorry for the late update I have been trying to keep up with my crazy teachers craming so much into the last week before
x-mas break. Comment. Vote. Enjoy!! :D)

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