The number that reads death

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Mei looked out of the school window, she shivered as she look onto the pitch black night, a few cars rushing by, desperate to go back home and seeing their family once again and shelter away from the harsh stormy and cold nights. The same could be said for Mei as she sprinted out of the large school and down the sidewalk, eager to get back home so she can rest after a long week at school. Mei could smell the faint smell of satay as she looked from the stall where the owner was getting ready to go home as well.

"I really need to get out of the rain," she muttered to herself as she stopped under a bus stop and waited for herself to catch her breath so she can run again. She took out her phone to check the time, The clock was stroking." I really need to take a shortcut if I want to be home before 11." She sighed at the inconvenience of this situation but then had an idea. "Wait! I can take the shortcut my friends told me of, then I'll be home before 11:45! Though they did say that there were rumors that the train is haunted because there's a door with a number 4 on it but, I never believed in that stuff!'She quickly got her belongings and ran to the nearest train station, her clothes getting even more soaked than before.

A few minutes later, Mei got to the train station and bought her ticket and waited for the LRT train. She took out her phone and checked the time, 10 past ten o'clock.. "Great I should be able to get home before 10:30!" she muttered with a smile on her face. The LRT arrived to her stop and she got into the empty LRT along with a few people and took her seat. 'Now I'll just have to wait at until the LRT arrives at the fifth stop..,' she thought as slowly started to doze off when the LRT started to move.

Mei woke up by a loud screeching sound as the LRT stopped abruptly, then the lights in the LRT turned off.

"Was there a power cut or something?" She got up and looked around.

"A-And where is everyone?" she stuttered, feeling panicked as she realized that she was trapped in the LRT alone for a very long time.

'I got to find a way out of here!' Mei thought and ran to her left and opened the door. It was pitch black so she used her phone as a flashlight and what she saw was absolutely mind boggling. The streetcar was in bad shape as the wall was strangely covered in moss and the seats completely torn up with stuffing on the disgustingly dirty floor. "What kind of LRT is this?!" She asked in no one in particular. Dimly she saw an exit with the number 4 scratched out, she hesitated but eventually went up to the exit door tried to open it but sadly, it wouldn't budge.

Mei was by now beyond scared as she yelled out,"I want to go home! Is this a dream? Am I going insane? I shouldn't have even thought of coming here!" her small form dropped to her knees and trembled, hot tears slipped from her black eyes and ran down her pale cheeks. Suddenly, her phone let out a small ping, indicating that there was a message. She looked at her phone to see 4 new messages.

'You were foolish to try to use this exit.'




Mei looked up and only got a glimpse of a pale woman floating above the ground, her head covered with bloody bandages with small strands of pitch black hair sticking out, one eye with veins popping out and the iris shrinked as if it's in shock can be seen through the bandages, and she was wearing a tattered blouse and a torn up skirt.

The ceiling suddenly started collapsing. Mei dashed to the other side of the LRT train, with the ghost closely following behind her. 'How am I going to escape from this? Am I going to die?' These were only a few of the thousands of thoughts that ran through Mei's head as the ghost was slowly catching up to her.

Mei looked on ahead to see an exit door with the label '3' then had an idea, 'wait, if at exit 4 I almost died, then if I go through this door then I'll get out of here alive!' Mei ran faster to the exit door and opened it, hearing the woman screaming in the distance and the rest of the ceiling fell with a loud crash. Mei gasped at what she looked at, she was in the LRT she got onto, with the lights on and the few people she got on the LRT in, seated and asleep. She realized that she also had her backpack and phone with her, as if she's just walking to the other streetcar for no reason. It's only when she considered if what she experienced was real when she checked her phone that had a chilling new massage that made her spine tingled in fear and her blood ran ice cold.

'you were lucky enough to escape from me, but remember, you will die by the hands of the number that reads death.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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