One More Time, One More Chance

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This is my very first fanfiction here! Please forgive me if the story is bad and if the characters act OOC-ly.. -bows-

Please, let me see your smile...

Please, let me hear your voice...

Please, open your eyes...

And laugh together with us.

One more time..

The Matsuno Household was filled with grief over the loss of one of the sextuplets. The red Matsu just sat by the window, looking outside with a blank gaze.

The green Matsu sat by the table; his face was buried on his arms which's rested on the table.

The purple Matsu sat on the corner as usual, with his back facing the room.

The usually bright yellow Matsu is now sitting beside the purple Matsu; staring down at the floor; his usual smile not present.

The pink Matsu was laying on the floor beside the sunshine; his back facing them and his phone was laying beside his head.

The blue Matsu wasn't present, and won't ever present anymore.

They had lost him. He committed suicide by drowning himself in the river.

Karamatsu apparently, suffered from serious depression. And the eldest knew very well of the reason. It's because of them.. They have taken his kindness for granted and were always ignoring and avoiding him.

Now, he's gone.

And they're left with the guilt that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

x x x

The remaining five brothers eventually got over it after a few years. Choromatsu had left the house, followed by Totty, then Jyushimatsu, and Ichimatsu. Osomatsu had stayed behind with his parents. All of them had got themselves a job. But strangely, none of them ever decided to settle down. They never got married.

After Karamatsu's death, they seemed to grow apart. They rarely spoke to each other anymore. But sometimes, they would still gathered together for a drink.

After the Matsuno couple passed away, Osomatsu was left alone at the house. At that time, he reminisced the moment of when all of them were still together; when they're still complete.

How he wished he could go back to that time.

That happy times with his beloved brothers.

Why'd everything change so drastically?

Osomatsu cried himself to sleep.

x x x

Osomatsu walked towards 7 graves lined up on the top of a hill; a cane on his right hand. He then kneeled in front of a grave, with the name ' Matsuno Karamatsu ' craved on it. Over the years, he had come to this place with his brothers. And for the last few years, as the brothers he came with disappeared one by one, the number of graves here increased.

" Hello, Karamatsu. This year, I'm just by myself.. "

Then he looked at the remaining graves.

" Hello, Mother, Father... Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Totty.. It's been very lonely without you all... "

He wanted to turn back the time.

How he wishes he could.

He wanted to return to the past.

He wanted to change the past.

" I miss you all... "

He whispered in a desperate tone while kneeling in front of the graves; tears streamed down his face which's now all wrinkly.

" I want to meet you all... "

The red Matsu stayed there; even until night came. And as the morning came, the figure was seen laying in front of the graves; motionless; and not breathing.

x x x

The eldest Matsuno stood in front of his younger siblings and parents; all had a smile on their faces and they're extending their hands towards him.

" Osomatsu-niisan/Osomatsu! "

He felt tears trickling down his face. He smiled brightly, then took their hands and wrapped them in a big group hug.

■ Let's start over. One more time... ■

―† Thistime, let's wish for a happy ending... †―    

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