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STATUS: open

FANDOM: merlin

TITLE: unlikely (changeable)


they were a unlikely pair, he was feisty and outspoken, she was quiet and not to mention magical. and maybe that's what drew them to each other, how different they were, and yet how they were exactly the same.


in which a cocky prince feels himself falling for a quiet vendor, and yet he can't stop.

❝you're beautiful darling, you must be, what? a princess?❞

❝more like a tailor's apprentice, but that's awfully sweet of you.❞


arthur pendragon

arthur pendragon

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leighton meester (changeable)

leighton meester (changeable)

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so the o/c is magical, but doesn't really know what to do or how to control it, and she hears of camelot, and merlin, and she figures he might be able to show her some things. and so she goes without knowing magic is outlawed, and she starts working as a tailor's apprentice at a vendor's stall. one day prince arthur walks by and happens to catch a eye of her and he's like 'damn son she's hot as hell,' and they talk, but she's v awkward and shy and it's v cute. in the end, they find out about her magic, and she gets executed and arthur cries his smol eyes out.

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