Hurricane Romance

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The wind and rain could be heard throughout the building, I was helping to carry the rest of the supplies up to the various rooms our company had been able to secure for the entire film crew. Unfortunately the warnings had come too late, so the entire crew had been stranded in Florida to ride out the hurricane together. I walked along the hallways holding a few bags of supplies, knocking on each door I needed to pass out various bags of food, water and a few other essentials.

I darted along the corridors with the last two bags in hand, one for myself and then one for a lead actor on the project, I scanned the hallway looking for room 1070, and finally paused once I found it, last room on the right hand side, I sighed, knocking on the door, I realised my hands were shaking slightly, probably from my lack of sleeping and food over the course of the past 24 hours.  Shaking my head I knocked again, and waited for a response.

A moment later the door swung open, and Sebastian stepped forward, his hand was running through his brown curls trying to settle down the strays, he had obviously been lying down or possibly even catching up on some sleep.

'Sorry to bother you, but I'm on supply delivery duty' I said, holding up the white and red bag in my right hand,sighted I added, 'sorry it isn't much, just a few sandwiches, crisps and some other snacks and then some water for now'

'Nah it's alright, hopefully we won't be stuck in here too long' he said, offering a smile as he reached out to take the bag from my hand. 'Sorry you got stuck with the delivery run' he added, holding the bag up.

'Oh just part of the job' I said laughing it off, I honestly didn't mind doing the run around, thankfully it gave me something to focus on other than the category 4 hurricane outside the building.

'I would kill for an iced coffee right now' Sebastian said, peering at the contents of the bag in his hand. I nodded in agreement, Starbucks was a guilty pleasure for me, I was always the first person in the group to find the closest store whenever we were in a new town.

I turned around to start leaving when I saw Sebastian move a little closer toward me, opening his door up, 'want to come inside for a bit?' he asked, gesturing to inside his room. I hesitated before nodding and turning around to enter his room, looking around the hallway in case anyone else was around.

I walked further into the room, hearing Sebastian close and bolt the door as I placed my bag of supplies onto the desk next to the TV, and Sebastian did the same thing as I moved over to the bed, and quickly kicked my shoes off before jumping onto the king sized bed and making myself comfortable against the headrest picking up the pillow next to me and resting it on my lap, giving my hands something to rest upon.

'Making yourself comfortable there Katie' Sebastian chuckled, walking over to the bed and jumping on the opposite side of the bed, getting himself comfortable, reaching over to take the pillow from my lap, 'don't hog all the pillows' he laughed, easily winning the quick tug-o-war of the pillow and slipping it behind his back, as he leant back.

I looked at the TV seeing it was off,and reached over to the bedside table to grab the remote, 'had to be something worth watching'  I said, started to flick through the various channels, hoping something could capture our attention as we waited out the storm.

After a few minutes I had unsuccessfully gone through all the TV and movie stations they were currently streaming,  I put the remote down in between us, and turned to face Sebastian, his eyes were closed, making him look nice and peaceful lying next to me.

Of course I had to ruin that, and leaned over to poke his cheek, giggling as I jumped back as I reached out to grab my arm, pulling me across the bed so I was not sitting up against his shoulder, as he looked up at me.

Hurricane Romance [Sebastian Stan]Where stories live. Discover now