Unexpected (Mystic Messenger Fanfiction - Yoosung)

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Author's Note:

Hi all. I hate to bore you all with a long author's note so I'll keep this one short. :)

This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please go easy on me. LOL! If you find any mistakes or loopholes, kindly let me know. As of the moment, I've only finished Yoosung's route, so there might me some. This is, actually, set right after the last scene (RFA party) on his route. Also, I didn't know how to address the main character, so I just called her MC.

That's all. Enjoy reading! Votes and comments are appreciated. :)


Unexpected (Mystic Messenger Fanfiction - Yoosung)

Everything was perfect that night. RFA's party was a huge success, everyone seems to be having fun, Yoosung was safe —what happened with his eye was worrisome, though— and, best of all, they were finally together. MC couldn't ask for more.

"Thank for coming to party. We hope you enjoyed it."

She and Jaehee had just finished saying goodbye to one of the party guests when she felt something warm and comforting touched her body. It was Yoosung, her Yoosung. He was giving her a back hug. "I'm glad I can finally do this now," he whispered in her ears.

MC couldn't contain the happiness she was feeling then. She smiled for the nth time that night. "Such a silly boy," she said to him. "I'm glad, as well. It feels nice to get warm hugs from you."

The last 11 days had been a roller coaster ride for MC. When she downloaded that strange app, days ago, she didn't know that it would lead her to all of these. During the last few days, she had experience quite a lot of new things and felt all sorts of emotions, including glee because of the new friends she made and immense love for the man who is beside her now. Never in a million did she ever imagine that something like this, and someone like Yoosung, would ever happen in her life.

"Can we please take off for a while? I'm sure that the party would be fine without us," he pleaded.

MC couldn't say no to him and his adorable puppy dog eye look, of course, but she still had things to do regarding the party.

Luckily, Jaehee was there. "Go on, you two. You deserve some quality time. I'll ask Zen or Luciel to takeover."

MC handed Jaehee the clipboard she was holding and thanked her before she left.

Yoosung took her to the lovely garden of the estate where the party was held. It was filled with various fragrant and colorful flowers. They walked, with their hands intertwined, under the bright and beautiful full moon.

MC felt like she was in a fairytale world that moment. Everything that was happening around her seems perfect and she was afraid that, at some point, the magic spell that caused all of this happiness would break.

Maybe it would, she thought. She could even be the reason for it. Her life —the real one, the one outside RFA— isn't exactly a dream right now. It is messy and full of uncertainty. Yoosung and the other members of RFA didn't know a lot of thing about her, and she was afraid that would feel deceived when they found out who she really is.

Over the last 11 days, Yoosung had shared so much about himself —from his grieve and anger over Rika's death, to his dream to become a veterinarian— to MC. She was glad that he trusted her enough to let her know about all those things. But, love is a two way streak, and she feels like she hadn't shared enough information about herself to him. She wanted to, though. She wanted to tell him everything about her —reason behind her smiles, to her fears and all the other stuff —but she was also scared of the possibilities. What if Yoosung finds out that isn't what he expected her to be?

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