Chapter 2: Here we are

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As they came into the dimension, everyone had their phone out and were playing Pokémon GO!
"What the heck, Rex can you come here for a second" said Benny
"Oh, sup guys" said Rex
"Hey, why is everyone catching Pokémon here?" Asked Rain
"Well, this is the PokémonGo! dimension" said Rex
"BRUH, we tried to go to the Pokémon dimension" said Night
"Come, I will show you" said Rex
Back in the Rainbow dimension
"Here we are" said Rex
"Wowo thanks!" Said Rain
"No problem, now if you excuse me, I need to catch an Eevee"
Night stared at Rex with a TRIGGERED look on his face
In the (hopefully) Pokémon dimension
"Oh no, we are in sun and moon" joked Rain
"BRUH, shut up, we are in the normal Pokémon dimension" said Benny
"Um, who are you" said a weird lady with a pickachu
"I am Rain, this is Benny, and this is Night, or NightskySmolFox" said Chara no pls why is this stupid little girl here, anyway, rain said that.
"I am Ms.Vol, this is Professor Pekachu, we are protecting three little Eevees " said Ms.Vol
What is Ms.Vol doing here, she is from my other book, "The Three Little Brothers"? Make sure to read that book first to understand, and stick around. Bye ^^ And remember, stay determined until you reach your goal!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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