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   Screams filled the galactic blue grass, the sky red and the sun black. This was Jupiter, where the Universe gods lived. That is, except the Zodiac. They always seemed to be travelling.

Blood stained the grass and the armor of the gods. Soldiers lay on the ground dead, the soldiers of their enemies as only 3 gods stand on feet while the other 4 gods were wounded on the ground. They'd survive but they couldn't get anymore wounds as it would be close to death. Orion, Ursa, and Lyra were the last ones standing, bleeding. Soldiers stood behind them, ready for the enemy soldiers they were going to fight.

As enemy soldiers starting to march to the gods, more soldiers started to die and the gods felt their life fading away. Damn, looks like Eridanus got them this time. Wait- not all of them-

Arrows entered the soldiers' chests as flames of fire burned their "power" to the ground. In front of 3 somehow standing gods, flames made a circle, and they can barely make out the figures of 12 people. As the flames dialed down, they finally recognized them.

The Zodiacs.

A pale girl with long black hair, a white wool coat, white shirt, jeans, and normal boots. She had ram horns. She looked back at the three heavily wounded gods with a smirk.
"Miss us, good ol' Orion?"
All of the rest of the zodiacs snickered and giggles as suddenly, armor seemed to slowly appear on their bodies. It was black armor, and for the girl, it was dark and strong .
"Finally, a good time you have picked to show up, Aries." Orion said to the now known as Aries.
Aries grinned at him, flames lighting up in her eyes as she yelled one single word.
The zodiacs were very strong, they are 12 gods in one group after all.

Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. The elements that were held dear to the Zodiacs, used in each battle and successfully winning in each one. Aries grinned as she got out her lance, the lance bursting inflames. It cut through each soldier, their blood landing on her face.
"GEMINI! TAKE THIS GROUP!" Aries yells out to the so-called "Gemini". Gemini was a dark brown haired male with tan skin and yellow eyes.
Gemini runs to Aries and kills the group with easy, using his telekinesis to hold them up in the air and throw them half across the field and into another Zodiac's sword known as Taurus. And Taurus cut all of them in half with one slash.
"NOW THAT IS THE POWER OF GOD! WOOHOO!" Taurus yells as he runs into more soldiers with his bull horns with a grin, stabbing them with his horns.
"TAURUS, DID YOU EAT TOO MUCH THIS MORNING!?!" A blonde haired male with royal blue eyes and pale skin yells out to Taurus who was visibly too hyper.
Another zodiac that was known as The Leo of the group, partner of the leader Aries was surrounded by soilders and Eridanus himself she stepped back blew out fire, burning most of the soldiers, however Eridanus stayed untouched. They got into a fiery battle between the two, Leo slashing him with her golden claws, able to take him down easily, or so she thought. As Leo thought Eridanus was dead, she turned around to let out a sigh of relief but the only real thing was a sharp pain in her heart. Her lungs, no longer filled with air, Her heart, no longer breathing, Leo fell to the ground. Life was fading away from her faster than she could be angered. Leo finally let out the breath she was holding for long, her lively gold eyes turning to grey, the color of her blonde hair fading away. Eridanus stood up heavily wounded with a grin of victory.

Everything went slow and painful for the rest of the signs, all fighting stopping, no worries about the soldiers that were already dead. With all eyes on the lifeless body of Leo and Eridanus, all of them grieved. They all felt pain as Leo was apart of them.
A scream half war-cry was let out by Aries, her whole body bursting in flames, her comrade, her partner, her friend- no, BEST FRIEND was killed right in front of her. Aries charged toward the luckily alive constellation, the battle continuing.

Aries stabbed Eridanus's body whenever she got the chance, she got scratched, her arm getting wounded before emitting a deep slash into Eridanus's body, where the lungs would be.
" I WILL TAKE OUT YOUR LUNGS AND FEED IT TO YOU AS I WATCH YOU CHOKE ON YOUR OWN FUCKING ORGANS!!!!!" She screamed at him, finally getting the upper hand and stabbing him hundreds of times, her deep wounds meaning nothing to her. As Eridanus fought back, somehow surviving the ordeal, giving Aries more heavy wounds slashing her flesh and scratching her face.

He kicked her stomach, making Aries cough up blood a little, but before he could get up again, Aries lunged Eridanus again, making a deep wound across his throat to his lower stomach. She stabbed and slashed with all her might. Aries's lance broke, Eridanus taking the chance to stab her in the stomach.
"AUGH!!!" She yells out, bursting into flames, Eridanus's flesh getting burned he tried to stab her. Aries got up on her feet once again with vengeance, blood dripping from her chin. Burning flames surrounded Eridanus, the fire closing up on him, growing taller and taller. Aries's normal gold-redish eyes were simply a burning fire, quite literally. The sounds of Eridanus's screaming was music to her ears.

In the end, nothing was heard but the burning of flames.
"Aries!! Are you o-" A girl with pale blonde hair and lavender eyes known as Pisces is cut off.

"Just a scratch." 

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