Not the Same Anymore

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 Aries sits in her room, rolling a pen across the table. She looked fairly depressed. A knock was heard at the door, startling the dark-haired girl. She inhales, standing up and make her way to the door. She twisted the doorknob, opening it. She looks up at the tall dark-haired male, hands in his pockets. The small scorpion tattoo on his neck signified he was the all too known Scorpio.
"What are you doing, Evan?" She asks, using the real name of her teammate.

 "I get it- It's just that I don't want to hang out with the others at the time." Aries sighs, not letting Scorpio talk.

"Oh c'mon, where's that strong ram that I know?" Scorpio nudged her with a slight smile, which sort of surprised the slightly shorter female since he never really did anything but be in his dark cocoon of his bedroom and serve only for intelligence when not in war.
"I don't know what to do... I don't think If even I can't help myself, how would anyone else?" Aries sat on her bed, putting her face in her hands.
"I'm not the best adviser like you are, Ali, but I know that you can't let yourself down like that-" He paused. "Think of it as a challenge, you never fail to go through it. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with things you love. Like you told me that one time." Scorpio ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "But I didn't come here for some sappy sad movie scene. The new Leo arrived. Today."
Aries eyes widened, clenching her jaw. "But it's too early... Where is she?" She looked up at Scorpio as he got up.
"She's at the portals. Virgo and Cancer are already there." Scorpio informed before leaving Aries in the dust.
Aries glared at him slightly. They were in a past relationship. But they seem to cope with it well. Aries and Scorpio are partners in crime, friends. But usually they argue more than get along. Sometimes Aries wonders why she even broke up with him in the first place.

Aries sighs, getting up, stretching her legs. She opens the door, peeking out the empty aisle. She steps into it, feeling as if she hasn't stepped in the great hallways of her own ship in ages. She walks down the pathway, to the end of it, where the portals were. The Portals were, well portals to different dimensions. They came through one of the main portals, Earth. They use the rest for visitors, constellations from different dimensions. The B.G.M.E.Z (short for Big Green Main Earth Zodiac) Ship was the main place to have a meeting. All of the constellations knew eachother. They didn't like the parallel universe, where the Moon Signs existed. The rest of the portals had their Zodiac too, but they were all of different things. They were less visited. The T.D.B.O.C (short for Total Dimensional Beings of Constellations) were all an organization, working to unite more galaxies, universes, and dimensions.
Aries nervously opens the doorknob of the portals room to see a girl, dropped on the ground. Virgo and Cancer were trying to wake her up.
Cancer looked up at Aries, anxiously. "Hey Ari! New Leo arrived.." She chuckled awkwardly and looked at Virgo with a "Help me here" sort of look since Cancer knows Aries doesn't like her... At all.
"You're both idiots." Aries pinches her nose. She picked up the new Leo and shouldered her, carrying her to the infirmary. With two girls followed Aries, hands behind back. Cancer and Virgo got along very well, close friends almost. It was tense and awkward, you could feel the thickness in the air and cut it like a cake. The only the that was heard was Aries's unsettling footsteps. After what felt, like eternity, they finally made it down the aisle, to the infirmary. Aries put Leo on the hospital bed, stretching her arms after.
"When do you think she'll wake up?" Virgo sat down on a chair, her legs crossed. She had light brown hair with grey-blue eyes, which could fool anyone that she was innocent, but of course, she was nowhere near innocent.
"Tomorrow morning. The same time as any of us would wake up." Aries rolls her eyes. Aries was a dirty-blonde woman with amber eyes, fitting in as a leader, also the most known of the fire signs. Cancer leaned on the wall, her brown hair going down to her waist, her light blue eyes showing worry. Cancer was no doubt, the most sensitive and sympathetic signs. Just as the last word came out of Aries's mouth, Leo fidgeted as if she new something. Aries looked at her, surprise filling up her stoic expression. People would usually assume Aries would be excited to meet the New Leo, but she was the least of all. She wasn't thrilled to have a replacement, she thought she'd hate this one. Aries, although the most insensitive, she was the most loyal and a good friend to have.

As Leo's green eyes opened, she connected with Aries's eyes as Aries locked eyes with Leo, her breath stopping as she held it. They had a small moment before Leo completely freaked out.
"God, where the hell am I!? How am I even alive in the first place-" She screamed as all the signs in the room let out a small frustrated sigh. Aries looked away, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She walked out, arms crossed as she walked to the lobby. Virgo on the other hand, was trying to calm her down while Cancer tried to explain the situation.

Leo stopped yelling after awhile, looking confused and lost. Virgo sighed, anyone would have a hard time going through a situation like this. Unlike Gemini, he seemed thrilled to be like this. A certain hazel eyed sign entered the room, hearing the shouts. This was no other than Libra. Libra was handsome, only because he takes care of his appearance just about 24/7.
"I take it you're having trouble with the new girl." He whispered to Cancer as Virgo slowly but surely calmed the girl down.
Cancer nodded and sighed lightly. "Aries wasn't thrilled either. She seemed even more depressed than usual-" She was interrupted as Leo started to shout again, except crying. This was the most intense reaction that they'd seen.
"Where's Justine- I thought I was in a coma- I thought I died!!" Leo says, covering face, frightened.
Libra walked up to the girl, holding her hands comfortingly. He took them away from her face, Leo's eyes puffy and red. "Don't cover that pretty face of yours. Now, I understand that this may seem so frightening and confusing, but you are not dead. You're floating inside the middle of universe in a ship. Your soul, it might sound weird, but it was chosen to be a celestial god. Ever heard of the Zodiacs?" He paused as Leo nodded, hiccuping lightly as she calmed down. "You're Leo, reincarnation of a great celestial god." Libra let go of her hands, standing up straight, the two others watching.
"What about... My life back?" Leo spoke softly, inhaling deeply.
"That life... It doesn't exist anymore." Virgo replied as soft as Leo, sighing.

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