About Me

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  Hello, my name is Cornelia. I have many nicknames but the most preferred one is Kora. I am currently of the age of 15, soon to be 16 in the 11th of April. I have 4 languages, English, Spanish, French, and Kaqchikel. I live in Central America, very close to Costa Rico and Antigua. I come from the United States but I have Mayan blood which is native to Guatemala. I lived very close to Los Angeles and Hollywood, so basically in the infamous Palm Springs where I have met multiple celebrities. I have moved to San Francisco before which is 10+ hours away from Palm Springs with all the traffic. In real life, I got my squad, Maria, Lucia, Melanie, Jimena, and Paulina.

I have asthma. The more I run, the more of a risk of a heart attack. It's likely that I won't live as long to die of old age because of that, but luckily I have plenty of years to live as far as I'm planning. I also have low-level Anxiety along with a case of Anger Issues, and I mean the real thing and not the fucking wannabe Anger Issues. Anger Issues is horrible. You lose a lot of friends. That's why I don't wish to have a relationship at the time. I also have Allergies, but I mean, nose-bleeding when weather changes, more expose-able to getting a cold, nose plugs, and all of that shit.

Asthma is something you can NEVER get rid of but you can control it. You can't ever, EVER run in the cold or run a lot. Imagine you're holding your breath while running, your lungs start to burn like hell, and your heartbeat runs so fast that it hurts. That's how it feels like, you need an inhaler for that. Allergies is similar however you can't control it too well like Asthma. With the kind of Allergies that I have, I get nose-bleeds in each weather change. You just have to be very careful with Allergies, but I don't think it can kill you...

I love all types of animals, including snakes. I honestly don't see what's the big deal about rats, they can spread diseases but no need to scream until you shatter glass and make everyone's ears bleed. And mice, a lot of people are scared of them, I literally hate those people tbh. Mice are so cute. Snakes are cool honestly, I don't mind them. I'd avoid them if anything but their cool. I love cats and dogs and all sorts of animals. I want to have a pet tarantula but I think my cat would probably eat it.

School sucks, as always, I go to a bilingual school where more hispanic people live which means the native language is Spanish, so if you see spanish things on here, it's school. I have a shit ton of homework, it can go up to 7 homework which means I won't be here until like 9 or 8:00pm-EST, which is 5 or 6:00pm in most of the United States, 7 or 8:00pm in Mountain Time. I go to sleep at 9:45pm-EST because I have to wake up at 5:30am-EST. I need my sleep.

I'm very hot and short-tempered due to my Anger Issues, but I can be described as very playful and funny. I've helped a lot of people with suicidal tendencies so if you need help, you can always leave a comment or PM me if I'm luckily online. I suck at Mathematics btw, so...No help with that unfortunately. I'm a lot better at Language Arts, History, and Social Studies. I'm a straight up Nerd-Geek-Dork mixed together, and I need glasses.

I have light-cinnamon type of skin colored with syrup eyes and dark chocolate hair with black strands of hair. I have short hair that barely goes to my shoulders. I'm 5'6 tall and somewhere around 110-125 pounds. Kinda fat, Ik.

Well, that's the basics of me, Cornelia!  

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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