The Reboot

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Hey guys!

I'm taking the first part to let you guys know that this is the alternate ending to the first two books. I loved doing Passion In The Game but, after awhile I wanted to do a different take on the story and not do something so storybook. This is really what I have been thinking about for a while and I had to put it in words. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing this. 

The story is going to start back in the first book where Anthony is going to ask Rayna for a divorce right around the time she finds out she is pregnant. Also keep in mind this is an alternate ending. If you've read the original, you know how the story goes and I hope you guys don't get confused. If you are new to PITG, I suggest you at least read the first book so you know the background of the characters and situations you are about to partake in.

I've worked really hard to develop a fresh new story for you guys but, I didn't feel content with how PITG really ended. So, this book is kinda like what I wish I had thought about first inside of the original story. This one will have a lot more drama which I hope you guys are okay with. I'm excited to see what you guys think about this one. 

Please, vote, comment and to know when I'm going to post next follow me on here so you can get updates! Hope you guys enjoy!

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