The New Girl

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After school I waited for Nick near his locker so we could walk home, he was taking a really long time. Finally I see Nick walking down the hallway. "So are you going to tell what’s up?" he asked. "Fine" I replied. I didn't really want to because it would be very awkward. We started to walk out of the school. "Well I'm kind of annoyed because everyone was talking about Julian's ex when I'm going out with Julian and I felt like no one even realised that I was standing right there when you were talking about it" my heart was beating really fast, Nick stopped and hugged me. "Nick?" I was very confused. "Don't worry Julian doesn't like Kayley he told me he likes you" Nick let go and kept walking. "Nick it isn't that simple. She threatened me when we were at the cinema" Nick stopped again. "What? Why was she there talking to you?" I explained the whole story while we were standing in the middle of our street. "You should tell Julian" said Nick. "No it's okay" I said. "Fine see you tomorrow" Nick said as he walked up his drive way. 

The next day during history class a girl started talking to me, we were talking the whole lesson, turns out she just moved from England. She didn't know anyone so I asked her to hang out with us at lunch. 

"Hey guys this is Jamie she moved here from England" Jamie waved. "That's Nick, Julian, Fab, Albert and Nikolai" I said. "England. Nice" said Fab. We were all talking to Jamie until the bell rang. "What do you have now Jamie?" asked Nick. "Biology" replied Jamie. "Me too!" I said smiling. "Okay see you guys after" said Julian and we all walked off to our classes. Jamie and I sat next to each other in Biology. "Julian is really cute" said Jamie. "Yeah I know I'm also dating him" I said laughing. "Oh really? You didn't seem like a couple" Jamie looked away. "Well we are" we both went really silent. We didn't talk for the whole lesson and I didn't understand why since I didn't do anything wrong.

After class Julian was standing in front of my locker. "Hey Chloe" Julian said as he hugged me "Hey I need to talk to you" I said hugging back. "What's up?" Julian asked. "Not here though" I said. "Okay wanna come to my house after school then?” I nodded "Okay"

After school Nick was waiting at my locker. "I'm going to Julian's house, so I won't be walking with you" I said to Nick. "Okay see you tomorrow" said Nick. I met Julian in the school's car park and we started driving to his house. 

We walked up stairs to Julian's bedroom. He sat on his bed. "Okay now sit and tell me what's wrong" he said. "Well..." I went on to explain what happened at the cinema and then told him how Jamie thought he was cute. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" he seemed pissed off. "I don't know, honestly I was scared" I said. "Scared of what, you can trust me" Julian grabbed my hand. "It's not you I'm afraid of, it's Kayley" I looked down at my feet. "She won't bother us again. I promise" Julian pulled me over and kissed me, it felt like we had been kissing for ages. Julian stopped. "Do you want me to drive you home now?" I nodded. The whole drive to my house, Julian put his hand on my thigh. "You wanna have dinner with me tomorrow night?" asked Julian. "Sure, I'd love to" I replied. "Alright I'll pick you up at 6" said Julian as he pulled into my driveway. 

"Bye Chloe" he said. "Bye Julian" I waved and walked to my front door

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