Self Beauty

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Black embraced Zamasu strongly, his arms hooking under the shoulders of his past self. Zamasu returned the gentle embrace, wrapping his arms around Blacks upper body, his head rested on his shoulder.

They stayed there, holding the other for a moment, both of them holding a smile on their faces. Blacks head was turned slightly to his right, as if he tried to nuzzle the side of Zamasus head.  Zamasu rested his chin on his shoulder, relaxed. 

A soothing silence filled the air, as a gentle, soft breeze ushered past, lifting a few brightly painted petals into the open sky. A few birds nearby, who were spectating the scene with mild interest, ruffled their fluffed feathers, letting out a small chirp. 

Then, Black sighed out, and in unison, he and Zamasu pulled away from each other. They both stared at one another, their evil grins never leaving their faces. Black stepped towards Zamasu, and extended his hand in a second handshake agreement. In a soft, but vivid tone, he spoke. "For our justices?" he eyed Zamasu expectantly. With a chuckle, Zamasu nodded, and he to reached out, locking his fingers with his new ally. "For our justices....!" They locked eyes in agreement, their intentions the same, and their hearts reaching out to one goal.

Black pulled his hand back to his side, smirking. Then, he turned to the fallen Kaioshin, Gowa-sama, and stepped over. He crouched downwards, taking the lifeless hand of the old man, before sliding off a silver ring from it. He then stood and turned back to Zamasu. "Here." he spoke, presenting the Time Ring over to himself. Zamasu made no hesitation and walked over, taking the ring with appreciation.

He slid it onto his finger with ease, taking a moment to admire the shiny, silver surface of the metal accessory. He then smiled kindly at Black, who simply nodded in response.

The shared another moment of silence, before Black took a step towards Zamasu. He then, without breaking eye contact with the Kaioshin, stretched out his arm in gesture to the set of tea cups and pot. He eyed Zamasu intently. "How's about a helping of tea before we move ahead to our....'mission'?" Black tilted his head in question.

Zamasu let out a soft, but slightly parched sigh. He continued to smile, as he silently made his way over to the cart of tea. Black made use of the action to go ahead and sit down at the small table that once contained a new dead Gowa-sama. He watched as Zamasu pushed over the tea cart with interest. 

Zamasu began to set up the tea cups like he usually did with Gowa-sama, and he did it with casual content, acting as he did each time he served tea. But this time, he took a seat himself, pouring his own cup first, as Black made no rush to pour a small cup of his own. The two villains sat in peace, taking small sips from their drinks in pleasure. It gave Zamasu a nice feeling, to be able to enjoy a simple cup of tea without having to wait for another's judgment. 

He simply poured a cup and enjoyed himself in silence. The only difference to what he had wished for years, was that he now had a partner in crime to enjoy the sweet, comforting silence with him. And it felt good.

Black and Zamasu simply stared at each other, exchanging mute conversations they somehow understood. Their eyes almost never left the other, almost as if each were caught in some sort of spell, a hypnosis of some sorts. But that wasn't it. They were simply intent on what was going to happen next. 

Both wondered on about what would happen to and between them from then on. Some things they already knew were going to happen, because they were going to make sure it did. Other things were a mystery, though. But they didn't pay much concern to their future problems, and only focused on the present.


About thirty minutes later, they set off. Black curled his fingers inwards, his hand forming a fist, which he lifted in front of his face. Zamasu, who stood by his side, copied the gesture. Soon, the Time Rings glowed a dim, ghostly purple violet, before a light encased them both, sending them into a dark tear in the fabric of time, which pulled them inwards with force they couldn't fight against. But why would they want to?

So, they both went off, prepared to meet and fight their goals. 

Together, for their justices!

(I feel like this is a bit rushed, but i haven't written fanfiction in a while, so please, go just a 'little' easy on me o3o. Though, i won't blame anyone for criticizing, that's just how the world works! :D)

(I hope you all enjoyed this Oneshot! ^.^)

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