Bill (2)

33 5 2

Life was fucking good.

I looked up, as Jennie refilled my coffee cup.

"Will there be anything else, Mr. T?"

"Not right now."

"Will I see you tonight?"

She was a beautiful girl, but not the brightest bulb on the tree.

But she was one great piece of ass and she didn't set me back the $1000 that a good hooker would.

What can I say? I have expensive taste.

"Let's say around 10?"

Jenny blew me a kiss and walked away.

I could hear her, even before I could see her.

She stormed into the dining room, interrupting my morning coffee.

"You fucking prick."

I put down the morning paper and smiled at her.

"Morning, Susan."

"You fucking lied to me."

"Me? Lie?" I said, innocently.

"I want my half."

I sipped my coffee.

"Your half of what?"

"Those stupid fucking hockey cards and comics.

My lawyer told me they were probably worth a fortune."

I shook my head.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

She kicked the chair in front of her, knocking over my coffee.

I pushed my seat back, just in time or I would have had scalded nuts, from the hot coffee.

She really had a bad fucking temper.

She leaned across the table.

"I will go to the police. I will take you to court and sue your fucking skinny ass."

My ass is not skinny.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I repeated.

At that moment, Pierre, the restaurant manager came to my table.

"Is there a problem here, Mr. T?"

Susan turned to him, red faced.

"Fuck off faggot. This is a private conversation."

"You are disturbing the other customers, miss. I must ask you to leave."

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